Mr. Hay to Mr.
Department of State,
Washington, November 9,
No. 1307.]
Sir: I inclose a copy of a letter of the 22d
ultimo, from the Secretary of the Navy, stating that the grave of a
British naval officer and three mounds, supposed to be graves, have been
discovered on Hospital Cay, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, within the limits of
the United States naval reservation.
You may bring this to the knowledge of the British Government and inform
it that, should the removal of the remains in the graves be desired, the
Navy Department will gladly render every assistance, but should that not
be the case, the graves will be properly cared for.
I am, etc.,
Mr. Moody to
Mr. Hay.
Navy Department,
Washington, October 22,
Sir: I beg to call your attention to the
fact that there are on Hospital Cay, within the naval reservation at
Guantanamo, graves of one or more British naval officers.
Rear-Admiral Coghlan, commander of the Caribbean Squadron, under
date of June 3 last, reports:
“That an examination of Hospital Cay, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, discloses
one marked grave and three other mounds of stone unmarked in any
way, but bearing the appearance of graves.
“2. The marked grave is at the southern end of the cay, the other
three supposed graves are farther north, but on the southern
highland of the cay, They are all covered with mounds of stones,
oblong in shape, resembling the customary grave mounds. The marked
one has a wooden cross at its southern end, made of 2 by 4 inch
stuff, painted black, with a copper plate at the crossing of the
arms, bearing the following inscription cut in and blackened,
M. S.
E. N. Harrison, Esqr.
H. B. M. S. Buzzard
Dec. 1st, 1854.
Instructions have been given by this Department that these graves
shall be properly cared for and protected from injury after the
cession of land to the United States Government has been
I have the honor to suggest that these facts be brought to the
attention of the British Government. Should the Admiralty desire to
remove the bodies, the Navy Department will gladly render every
assistance. Should they prefer to let them remain where they have
lain so long, they may be sure that the graves will be properly
cared for. Considering the change of leasehold of the site, it seems
right to inform the Admiralty that these graves are within the
limits of the United States naval station.
I have, etc.,
William H. Moody, Secretary.