extractum collections juris pontificii de propaganda fide. [Partis I, Vol. V, pag. 233, Roma, ex typographiae Polyglotta S. C. de Propagande Fide, MDCCCXCIII.]

Nova Erectio Californien, in America.

Gregorius Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei, ad Perpetuam rei Memoriam.

Apostolicam sollicitudinem, qua tenemur omnium ecclesiarum, nullo non modo locorum intervallo aut fidelium longinquitate debilitari et dimminui, sed augeri potius, atque inflammari exinde videtur. Cum enim difficillius remotissimis ovibus ad hoc catholicae unitatis centrum effugium pateat, nec frequentibus eas monitis, consiliis, exhortationibus, spiritualibus denique quibuscumque subsidiis recreare, aut illarum vulneribus peropportune mederi naturali regionum conditione ac distantia queamus, illud profecto nobis usu venit, quod pientissimae matri a filiis longe seiunctae interdum contingit, quos quidem eo majori prosequitur caritatis amore, quo minus ad omnia absentibus praestanda praecipuae dilectionis officia se parem animadvertit. Hinc non tantum coelestium benedictionum cumulum hujuscemodi gregis parti, quam in animo gerimus, quotidie precamur, sed nihil insuper infectum relinquimus, quod spirituali ejusdem saluti aliquatenus benevertat. Haec nobis assidua mente revolventibus, qui in Mexicana Ameriqae Septentrionalis ditione rerum summa potiuntur, humillime supplicarunt, ut a dioecesi de Sonora intra limites ejusdem Mexicanae ditionis posita, Californiam avellere, atque inibi sedem episcopalem Californiensem nuncupandam erigere, eidemque proprium praeficere episcopum apostolica auctoritate vellemus. Licet enim Sonorensis dioecesis origo non sit altius repetenda anno MDCCLXXIX, eademque ex apposita finitimarum dioecesum de Guadalaxara ac de Durango dismembratione coaluerit, nihilo, tamen secius territorium illud tarn late protenditur, ut non modo ingentes provincias, de Sonora, Hostimuri et Cinaloa, sed universam insuper Calif orniam vastissimo sane ambitu concludat. Haec vero, quae septingentas, uti ferunt, excedit leucas, in veterem ac novam dividitur; ilia Peninsulam Calif orniam complectitur quam veteres rerum naturalium scriptores insulam esse maluerunt; ista autem per istmum quendam ignotum veteri Californiae conjungitur ac consociatur; ambae vero unam ex Mexicanis provinciis in praesentiarum constituunt. Quod si mens convertatur ad maximam viarum asperitatem, ad praecipites fluminum cursus, quae trajici interdum nequeunt, atque insuper ad ingentium montium catenam, quos sylvestres homines incolunt, plane apparebit, Sonorensem Episcopum hisce de causis praepediri quominus gregem suae fidei traditum ea quae ceteroquin necessario foret, utilitate regat ac moderetur, integram dioecesim perlustret, atque in eorum conversionem totus incumbat, quos Evangelii luce carentes, densissimis errorum tenebris involutos vehementer ingemiscimus. Quo teterrimo omnium malo peculiarem in modum turn vetus, turn nova California laborat. Quamvis enim missionarii ex Ordine Sancti Dominici ac Sancti Francisci spiritualem illarum curam gerant, utraque tamen in extrema Sonorensis dioeceseos parte sita est, neque idcirco Pastoris praesentia juvatur, qui potens opere ac sermone plebem verbo aedificet atque [Page 440] exemplo, depravata corrigat, disrupta consolidet, delibes in fide confirmed coecos illuminet.
Haec aliaque rationum momenta a Guberno Mexicanae ditionis per suum apud Apostolicam Sedem negotiorum gerem allata tanti ponderis apud nos pestorunt, ut, omnibus matura deliberatione per pensis, inspectaque maxima rei utilitate, porrectis postulationibus libentissime obsecundaremas. Itaque ex certa scientia, apostolicae potestatis plentitudine, ac etiam motu proprio, concensui ven. fr. Lazzari de la Garza hodierni Episcopi de Sonora, aliorumque quorum interesse potest, derogantes, universam praedictam Calif orniam, tarn veterem, scilicet, quam novam, unam cum omnibus et singulis paroeciis, ecclesiis, conventibus et monasteriis, aliisque quibuscumque saecularibus ac quorumvis ordinum regularibus beneficiis ibidem f brsitan existentibus, itemque utriusque sexus personis, habitatoribus, et incolis tarn laicis, quam clericispresbyteris, beneficiatis ac religiosis cujuscumque gradus, status, ordinis et conditionis ibi pariter degentibus, a dioecesi de Sonora, ad quam spectabant, perpetuo disinembramus, secernimus, separamus; terram insuper seu civitatem a S. Didaco nuncunatam in nova California, existentem, quae in media California posita est quaeque prae ceteris locis aptior dignoscitur, cum suis curia et cancellaria ecclesiastica, cum omnibus ac singulis honoribus, juribus, privilegiis et praerogativis quibus caeterae civitates pontificali sede in Mexicanae ditione insignitae earumqve cives utuntur et gaudent, in civitatem episcopalem erigimus atque instituimus.
Ecclesiam majorem in praefata terra Sancti Didaci in civitatem erectam, ad honorem et dignitatem ecclesiae cathedralis evehi atque attolli, et in ea sedem atque cathedram pontificalem pro uno deinceps Episcopo Californiensi nuncupando, qui eidem ecclesiae, civitati et dioecesi infra assignandae, ejusque clero et populo praesit, synodum convocet, atque omnia et singula jura, officia ac munera episcopalia habeat atque exerceat cum suis capitulo, area, sigillo, inensa ut infra constituenda, ceterisque eathedralibus et pontificalibus insigniis, juribus, honoribus, praeeminentiis, gratiis, favoribus, indultis, jurisdictionibus et praerogativis, quibus reliquae cathedrales ecclesiae Mexicanae ditionis earumque paesules potiunter, dummoda ex peculiari indulto seu privilegio non sint eis attributa, perpetuo pariter erigi atque institui mandamus.
Cathedrali ecclesiae Californiensi hoc modo erecta ut propria deinceps dioecesis tribuatur, illius Antistiti universam novam ac veterum Calif orniam a Senorensi dioecesi ut supra avulsam et disjunctam pro dioecesi novi episcopatus Californiensis adjudicamus et adsignamus, quam quidem Californiam sic attributam atque adsignatum ac in ea existentes seu existentia paroecias, ecclesias, conventus, monasteria et quaecumque alia saecularia ac quorumvis ordinum rigularia beneficia, utriusque sexus personas et incolas tarn clericos quam laicos, non tamen exemptos, cujuscumque gradus ordinariae novi pro tempore existentis Anistitis ecclesiae Calif orniensis jurisdictioni, regimini, potestati ac superioritati perpetuo similiter subjicimus, eique pro civitate, territorio, dioecesi, clero et populo perpetuum pariter in modum adsignamus atque attribuimus.
Ut autem f uturus pro tempore existens Episcopus Calif orniensis suam possit decenter tueri dignitatum et Vicario Generally curiaque episcopali apte providere, congruam in bonus stabilibus dotem, quam [Page 441] Mexicanum gubernium ex data fide constituet, mense episcopali adscribimus atque attribuimus.
Quod vero attinet ad fabricam novae cathedralis ecclesiae Californiensis, earn similiter dotem pro illius manutentione perpetuum in modum adscribimus atque adjudicamus, quam idem gubernium se traditurum spopondit, proprias aedes pro futuri Episcopi habitatione ejusque curiae episcopalis residentia decente forma et commodo loco et proximiores quantum fieri poterit ecclesiae cathedrali, quamprimum adsignari atque attribui volumus: quae si modo desint easque conduci opporteat, rationem pensionis pro illarum conductione solvendae habendam esse decernimus.
Quod spectat ad erectionem capituli cathedralis ecclesiae, ejusque dotationem similiter in bonis stabilibus nec non ad erectionem ac dotationem ecclesiastici clericorum seminarii, memoratum gubernium, cum primum pro locorum ac temporum adjunctis datum f uerit, id omne praestabit, quod aliis capitulis cathedralibus et seminariis ecclesiasticis Mexicanae ditionis tribui solet.
Praefatam Ecclesiam Californiensem sic constitutam Archiepiscopo Mexicano motropoliticc jure subjici mandamus, iisque omnibus frui statuimus facultatibus, exemptionibus et juribus, quae ad caeteras suffraganeas metropolitanae Mexicanae ecclesiae pertinent.
Fructus vero ejusdem novae Ecclesiae Californiensis de more taxari ad florenos auri de Camera tringinta tres ac tertiam floreni partem, atque hujusmodi taxam in libris camerae apostolicae et sacri Collegii describi jubemus.
Ut vero cuncta a nobis ut supra disposita ad su um perducantur effectum, venerabili fratri Emmanueli Posada y Garduno metropolitanae ecclesiae Mexicanae Archiepiscopo, quern harum nostrarum litterarum exequutorem elegimus ac deputamus, necesarias omnes et opportunas ad praemissoram effectum plenarieconsequendum tribuimus facultates, ut ipse per se vel per aliam personam in ecclesiastica dignitate constitutam ab eo subdelegandam omnia statuere ac decernere valeat atque etiam cum facultate eidem exequutori, sive ejus subdelegato, definitive, libere ac licite pronunciandi super quacumque oppositione in actu executionis quomodolibet forsitan oritura, injunctaque ipsi obligatione diligentes in decreto exequutoriali describendi fines praesertim novae Californiae ac mittendi ad Apostolicam Sedem intra sex menses ab expleta litterarum opostolicarum exequutione exemplar authentica forma exaratum decretorum omnium, quae in harum litterarum exequutionem emittet, ut in tabulario Congregationis rebus consistorialibus praepositae de more asservetur.
Praesentes autem litteras, et in eis contenta quaecumque, etiam ex eo quod quilibet interesse habentes, vel habere praetendentes, vocati et auditi non fuerint, ac praemissis non consenserint, eorum consensui quatenus opus sit, de apostolicae potestatis plenitudine supplentes, nullo unquam tempore de subreptionis vel obreptionis aut nullitatis vitio, seu intentionis nostrae vel aliquo alio etiam substantiali def ectu notari, impugnari aut in eis cohtroversiam vocari posse, sed semper et perpetuo validas et efficaces existere et fore, suosque plenarios et integros effectus sortiri et obtinere, ac ab omnibus ad quos spectat, inviolabiliter observari debere volums atque decernimus.
Non obstatibusde jure quaesito non tollendo, de suppressionibus committendis ad partes, vocatis quorum interest aliisque nostris et [Page 442] cancellariae apostolicae regulis ac in sy nodalibus, provincialibus universalibusque conciliis editis specialibus ac generalibus constitutionibus et ordinationibus apostolicis, et quibusve alliis Romanorum Pontificum praedecessorum nostrorum clispositionihus, caeterisque contrariis quibuscumque.
Volumus praeterea ut harum literarum transumptis etiam impressis, manu tamen alieujus notarii publici subscriptis, et sigillo personae in ecclesiastica dignitate constitutae munitis, eadem prorsus fides adhibeatur, si forent exhibitae vel ostensae.
Nulli ergo omnino hominum liceat hanc paginam nostrarum dismembrationis, sejunetionis, separations, erectionis, institutions, assignationis, attributionis, subjectionis, concessionis, indulti, decreti, dorogationis et voluntatis infringere, vel ei ausu tenierario contraire. Si quis autem hoc attentare praesumpserit, indignationem omnipotentis Dei beatorum Petri et Pauli Apostolorum ejus se noverit incusurum.
[Translation of foregoing.]

extract from the collection of pontifical jurisprudence of the propagation of the faith.

[Part I, Vol. 5, p. 233. Rome, the Polyglot Press of the Propagation of the Faith, 1894.]

On the new Californian creation.

Gregory the Bishop, servant of the servants of God, that the matter may be kept in perpetual memory.

That apostolical solicitude which we feel for all the churches should not only not be weakened or diminished by the great distance of certain places and the far removal of the faithful, but should rather it should seem to be by that very cause increased and inflamed. When therefore the sanctuary of this centre of Catholic unity is the more difficult to our most distant flocks and when we are notable, on account of the natural condition of the territory and on account of distance, to refresh them with frequent admonitions, counsels, exhortations, and, finally, with certain spiritual aids, nor to heal their wounds, then we use to do as does an affectionate mother when she is long separated from her sons; she loves them indeed with the greater ardour from their remoteness and turns herself with a special care to all those offices which may be of use to her absent ones. Hence not only do we daily pray for the most bountiful of celestial blessings to fall upon this part of the flock which we ever have in mind, but also we leave nothing undone which may in any way turn to the spiritual welfare of the same. As we were turning over these matters carefully in our mind those who are situate under the Government of Mexico in Northern America humbly appealed to us that we should separate California from the diocese of Sonora (which is situate within the confines of the aforesaid Government of Mexico) and should there erect an episcopal see to be called the see of California; they beg also that we would deign to give it a bishop of its own endued with apostolical authority. It is indeed admitted that the [Page 443] origin of the diocese of Sonora is not to be sought before the year 1779, and that it was brought into being by the fixing of new limits for the dioceses of Gaudalaxara and Durango, but a little while after that territory spread so widely that not only the great provinces of Sonora, Hostmura, and Sinaloa, but thereafter and above them the whole of California, which is certainly of the vastest extent, was included in that diocese. This last territory (California), which they say spreads for more than seven hundred leagues, is divided into old and new California. The first of these includes the Peninsula of California, which the old writers upon natural philosophy believed to be an island. The second, however, is joined to old California by an isthmus of which they were ignorant. At the present time they together constitute a single one of the Mexican provinces. If there be considered the great roughness of the roads, the rapidity of the rivers (which it is sometimes impossible to cross), and, moreover, the chain of immense mountains which are inhabited by barbarians, it will easily be seen that the bishop of Sonora is by these causes impeded from affording all that is necessary to the flock which has been committed to his care, from advantageously governing and administering them, from traveling over the whole of his diocese, and from seeing to their conversion in the thorough manner that should appertain to his office, by which accident the inhabitants lack the light of the gospel and are plunged into the densest darkness of error, a thing which we most bitterly deplore. This worst of all evils, both old and new California suffer in a peculiar way, for although the missionaries of the orders of St. Dominic and St. Francis minister to the spiritual needs of these provinces, yet each of them is situated in the most extreme part of the diocese of Sonora, and on this account they can not enjoy the presence of their pastor, which would be powerful in confirming the people by word and deed, by precept and example, which would correct what had become corrupted, and would rejoin what had become separate, which would strengthen in their faith the weak and illumine the blind.
These and other good reasons of moment having been brought before the Holy See by the ambassador of the Mexican Government accredited to it, were presented to us with such weight that after having weighed all these matters with due deliberation, and having observed the great advantage that the step would have, we very willingly acceded to those who made the request. Therefore, with an exact knowledge of the matter and from the fulness of our apostolical power, as also of our own initiative, and with the agreement of our venerable brother, Lazzari de la Garza, the present bishop of Sonora, and of such others as the matter might concern, we cut off, dismember, and separate forever from that diocese of Sonora, under which they formerly lay, all the aforesaid territory of California, old and new, together with all and singular of its parishes, churches, convents, and monasteries, and other seculars and regulars who may be there situate with their benefices, as also all persons of either sex, inhabitants and natives, clerk and lay, beneficed clergy and religious of whatever grade, status, order, or condition who.may there be found. We, moreover, erect and institute as the episcopal city that territory or city situate in new California and called after St. Didacus, the said city being placed in the midst of California and being recognized as more apt than other places for this function. And we erect this episcopal city, with its [Page 444] court and ecclesiastical chancery and all and singular honors, rights, privileges, and prerogatives which the other episcopal sees in Mexican territory use and enjoy.
We moreover perpetually, erect and institute by our order the principal church in the aforesaid territory of St. Didacus to the honor and dignity of a cathedral church, and we place there the seat and pontifical throne of one who is henceforth to be called the bishop of California, who shall in the future preside over the said church, episcopal city, and diocese, its clergy and people, shall call together his synod, and shall have and exercise all and singular rights, offices, and privileges of a bishop, having his chapter, seal, episcopal chest, board, after the manner hereinafter laid down, and all those other titles, rights, honors, precedents, graces, favors, indulgences, jurisdictions, prerogatives, etc., which appertain to cathedrals and episcopal sees, such, in a word, as the other episcopal sees of Mexico and their incumbents enjoy, always excepting any special and individual privilege which may be attributed to them.
To the cathedral church of California thus created we adjudicate and assign all that old and new California which as above was cut off and disjoined from the diocese of Sonora in order that for the future it may be regarded as a separate diocese. This province of California which we have thus attributed and assigned to the new diocese, as well as the parishes now existing or to exist within it, its churches, convents, monasteries, secular and regular benefices, its persons of either sex, and inhabitants, both clerk and lay (not, however, those specially exempt), of whatever order, we also subject and attribute to the new bishop of the church of California, who is so named pro tempore, to his jurisdiction, governance, power, and supremacy, as over the see, territory and diocese, clergy and people.
In order, moreover, that the bishop of California (existing for the moment) may for the future be able to preserve his dignity and make decent provision for his vicar-general and episcopal court, we ascribe and attribute to the maintenance of the aforesaid that suitable fund invested in safe goods which the Mexican Government may appoint as it has promised.
As for what regards the fabric of the new cathedral church of California, we similarly ascribe and adjudicate perpetually that fund for its maintenance which the said Government has promised to give, and we wish that in the first place there should be assigned and attributed suitable accommodation for the residence of the future bishop and his episcopal court of proper size and of convenient situation as near as may be to the cathedral church; if there is no such edifice, and if it is necessary to erect one, we decree that a portion of the revenue should be spent on such erection.
As for what regards the erection of a chapter for the cathedral church and its similar endowment in stable investments, as also the erection and endowment of a seminary for the clergy, a Government order which will be given when the localities and dates are fixed upon will suffice for these, and will afford them whatever it is customary in the case of the other cathedral churches and ecclesiastical seminaries under the Mexican Government.
We order that the aforesaid church of California, constituted in the above manner, shall be subjected to the metropolitan jurisdiction of the archbishop of Mexico, and shall enjoy all those faculties, exemptions, [Page 445] and rights which pertain to the other suffragan sees of that province.
We order that the fruits of this same new see of California should be taxed as the custom is, of 33 out l/3rd golden florins for the apostolic treasury, and we have ordered this tax to be inscribed upon the books of the apostolic treasury of the Sacred College.
Now, in order that all the matters which we have arranged above may be brought into effect, do we chose and depute as the executor of these our letters, our venerable brother, Emanuel Posada y Carduno, the archbishop of the Metropolitan Church of Mexico, and we attribute to him all the necessary faculties whereby he may give full effect to the above, so that either he himself, or another acting for him in that ecclesiastical dignity and capacity, and delegated by him, may lay down all matters and decide upon them, and also by the same faculties of executor, he may himself, or through his delegate, definitely, freely, and lawfully pronounce upon any opposition which he may meet in the active execution of these things, however such opposition may arise. We lay upon him further the obligation of delimiting the exact frontiers of New California in this executive decree of ours, and of sending to the Holy See within six months of the complete fulfilment of these our apostolic directions (letters) an exemplar in certified form, showing that all the decrees whose execution has been ordered in these presents have been carried out, and such an exemplar is to be filed, as the custom is, in the records of the congregation to which is intrusted our consistory affairs.
Now these present letters and whatsoever things are contained in them it shall not be possible to impugn, nor to call in question, even by those who have, or who may maintain that they have, some interest in these matters, and who have not hitherto been called or heard upon them, or have not consented to the above, for from the plenitude of our apostolical power we ourselves will supply that consent, inasmuch as it may be necessary; moreover, these presents can not be attacked at any time upon a plea that they are imperfect by addition or subtraction, or nullity, or by a plea of our intention, or of any other substantial defect. They shall stand and be ever and perpetually valid and efficacious, and shall have their full and integral effect, and shall be inviolably observed by all those whom it may regard, for such is our will and decree.
(And it shall be so) notwithstanding appeals as of right upon matters committed to parties called “quorum interest,” and notwithstanding our other rules and synodal regulations and those of our apostolic chancery, and notwithstanding the provincial and general councils, special decrees, general constitutions, apostolical ordinations, and whatever other things the Roman pontiffs, our predecessors, were Wont to use; notwithstanding, indeed, all other contrary matters whatsoever.
We desire, moreover, that the transactions of these letters be printed, and also be subscribed by the hand of a notary public, and furnished with the seal of some person clothed with the necessary ecclesiastical dignity, so that they may have in the future the same credence as matters duly exhibited and published.
Therefore let no man be permitted to infringe this page in which we decree the aforesaid dismemberment (of the old bishopric), segregation, separation, erection, institution, assignation, attribution, [Page 446] subjection, concession, indulgence, decree, derogation, and in which we have expressed our will; nor let any man dare to act contrary to it. If, however, anyone should so dare, may he discover that the anger of the Omnipotent God and of the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul has fallen upon him.