report made by the general board of the pious fund through don fernando mangino to the viceroy, marquis de croix, relative to the general agency of the missions of california.

Sec. 62. Since the agency of the missions of the Californias was situated in the College of San Andrés, of this capital, which the Society of Jesus occupied at the time of the expulsion of its members, his excellency [Page 373] the viceroy, Marquis of Croix, instructed Don José Basarte that simultaneously with the taking possession of the properties of the college he should likewise assume control of those belonging to the Pious Fund, and in order that I may be able to relate to your highness systematically the condition in which they were found, that in which they were at the end of last year—1776—and the other circumstances which I have promised to add in this third part, I have thought it well and conducive to greater clearness to do it in the following tables:

Funds and goods on hand.

In the office of the agency there was found in cash $92,400.0.0
In golds and effects sold previously by the depositario general, Don Eugenio Daza 28,626.5.0
The silver ore sent by the missions of California to the city of Guadalajara, 100 marks, 6½ oz., which converted into money in this capital leaves net, after paying the duty thereon. 954.4.6
Amounting to 121,881.1.6

Note.—With a portion of this sum an attempt was made to establish the house of refuge or rest for old and decrepit missionaries, as was ordered by the Marquis de Villapuente, one of the founders, in his last will. This result, however, was never attained.