Convention between the United States of America and the United States of Mexico.–Revival and further extension of duration of the joint commission for the settlement of claims.
Concluded November 27, 1872.
Ratification advised by Senate with amendment, March 9,
Ratified by President March 10,
Ratifications exchanged at Washington
July 17, 1873.
Proclaimed July 24,
By the President of the United States of America.
a proclamation.
Whereas a convention between the United States of America and the United States of Mexico, for further extending the time fixed by the convention between the same parties of the 4th July, 1868, for the duration of the joint commission on the subject of claims, was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries, at Washington, on the twenty-seventh day of November last, which convention, after having been amended and ratified by the contracting parties, is word for word as follows:
Whereas, by the convention concluded between the United States find the Mexican Republic on the [Page 148] fourth day of July, 1868, certain claims of citizens of the contracting parties were submitted to a joint commission, whose functions were to terminate within two years and sixmonths, reckoning from the day of the first meeting of the commissioners; and whereas the functions of the aforesaid joint commission were extended, according to the convention concluded between the same parties on the nineteenth day of April, 1871, for a term not exceeding one year from the day on which they were to terminate according to the first convention; and whereas the possibility of said commission’s concluding its labors even within the period fixed by the aforesaid convention of April nineteenth, 1871, is doubtful: | Considerando que por la convencion celebrada entre la República Mejicana y los Estados Unidos el 4 de Julio de 1868, ciertas reclamaciones de los ciudadanos de las partes contratantes fueron sometidas á una comision mixta cuy as funciones habian de concluir dentro de dos anos y seis meses contados desde el dia de la primera reunion de los comisionados; que las f unciones de la expresada comision mixta fueron prorogadas, en virtud de la convencion celebrada entre las mismas partes el 19 de Abril de 1871, por un término que no pasase de un ano contado desde el dia en que debian terminar con arreglo á la primera convencion; y por cuanto a que es dudosa la posibilidad de que dicha comision concluya sus trabajos aun dentro del periodo fijado por la mencionada convencion del 19 de Abril de 1871. |
Therefore, the President of the United States of America and the President of the United States of Mexico, desiring that the term of the aforementioned commission should be again extended, in order to attain this end, have appointed, the President of the United States Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State, and the President of the United States of Mexico Ignacio Mariscal, accredited to the Government of the United States as Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of said United States of Mexico, who, having exchanged their respective powers, which were found sufficient and in due form, have agreed upon the following articles: | El Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mejicanos y el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de América, deseosos de que el término de la ref erida comision sea nuevamente prorogado, para llegar á este fin han nombrado Plenipotenciarios, el Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mejicanos á Don Ignacio Mariscal, acreditado ante el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos como Enviado Extraordihario y Ministro Plenipotenciario de dichos Estados Unidos Mejicanos, y el Presidente de los Estados Unidos á Hamilton Fish, Secretario de Estado, quienes, habiendo cangeado sus respectivos poderes, que se encontraron bastantes y en debida forma, han convenído en los siguientes artículos: |
Article I. | Artículo I. |
The high contracting parties agree that the said commission be revived and that the time fixed by the convention of A pril nineteenth, 1871, for the duration of the commission aforesaid, shall be extended for a term not exceeding two years from the day on which the functions of the said commission would terminate, according to [Page 149] that convention, or for a shorter time if it should be deemed sufficient by the commissioners or the umpire, in case of their disagreement. | Las altas partes contratantes convienen en que reviva dicha comision y en que el tiempo designado en la convencion del 19 de Abril de 1871, para la duracion de la comision expresada, se prorogue por un término que no exceda de dos años contados des de el dia en que las funciones de la comision ref erida deberian, concluir con arreglo á esa convencion, ó por men os tiempo si lo creyeren bastante los comisionados, ó el árbitro en caso de disentimiento. |
It is agreed that nothing contained in this article shall in any wise alter or extend the time originally fixed in the said convention for the presentation of claims to the commission. | Queda convenido que nada de lo que contiene este artículo alterara de modo alguno, ó extender á el plazo fijado en dicha convencion para presentar reclamaciones ante la comision mixta. |
Article II. | Artículo II. |
The present convention shall be ratified and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Washington as soon as possible. | La presente convencion será ratificada y las ratificaciones cangeadas en Washington á la mayor brevedad posible. |
In witness whereof, the abovenamed Plenipotentiaries have signed the same and affixed their respective seals. | En testimomo de lo cual, los referidos Plenipotenciarios han firmado esta convencion, y puéstole sus respectivos sellos. |
Done in the city of Washington the twenty-seventh day of November, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two. | Fecha en la ciudad de Washington el dia veinte y siété de Noviembre del ano mil ochocientos setenta y dos. |
[seal.] Hamilton Fish. | Hamilton Fish. [seal.] |
[seal.] Igno. Mariscal. | Igno. Mariscal. [seal.] |
And whereas the said convention, as amended, has been duly ratified on both parts, and the respective ratifications of the same were exchanged at Washington on the 17th instant:
Now, therefore, be it known that I, Ulysses S. Grant, President of the United States of America, have caused the said convention to be made public, to the end that the same, and every clause and article thereof, may be observed and fulfilled by the United States and the citizens thereof.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.
By the President:
J. C. Bancroft Davis,
Acting Secretary of State.