Mr. Hay to Mr. Loomis.
Washington, January 16, 1901.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your No. 538, of the 29th ultimo, inclosing Mr. Russell’s statement concerning the arrest of the United States cousular agent at Barcelona.
You are instructed to inform the Venezuelan foreign office that Mr. Balz, who was arrested without cause, reports that no explanation or apology was made when he was released. You will call attention to the fact that Mr. Russell’s telegram to the consular agent in reference to this matter was intercepted.
This is not the first occasion upon which Mr. Balz has been subjected to the arbitrary action of the Venezuelan local military leaders. [Page 535] Although he is not a citizen of the United States, this Government will protect him, while acting as its consular representative, against the arbitrary interference of Venezuelan officials. You will insist that adequate explanations and apologies be made to the consular agent, and that proper measures be taken to prevent the recurrence of such acts.
I am, etc.,