- Foreign settlements—encroachments of various powers at Tientsin (Documents 58–69)
- Exclusion laws—case of alleged Chinese student Yip Wah, and others (Documents 70–77)
- Exclusion laws—case of Chinese student Tong Tseng (Documents 78–82)
- Exclusion laws—complaints of alleged harsh and unfair enforcement (Documents 83–84)
- Exclusion laws—representations against reenactment as affecting the United
States and territories, and extension to the Philippine Islands (Documents 85–86)
- Claims of missionaries—direct settlement with Chinese officials (Documents 87–88)
- Claims of Chinese subjects residing at Butte, Mont., on account of boycott
of their business (Documents 89–90)
- Condolences on assassination of President McKinley (Documents 91–92)
- Bond for payment of indemnity demanded of China by the powers (Document 93)
- Citizenship of Lam Chung Wah, a Chinese naturalized in Hawaii prior to
August 12, 1898, and subsequently residing in China (Documents 94–95)
- Death of Earl Li Hung Chang (Documents 96–101)