- Protection by representatives of the United States of Porto Ricans,
Cubans, and Filipinos (SEE FOREIGN RELATIONS,
1900, P. 891, ET SEQ.) (Documents 404–405)
- Courtesies shown by a Spanish naval officer to United States naval
officers at Habana (Document 406)
- Military service case of Benito Llaveria y Pascual (Documents 407–412)
- Filipino junta at Madrid, and petition of Isabelo de los Reyes, one of its
members, for permission to return to the Philippine Islands (Documents 413–417)
- Royal decree determining questions of nationality in ceded or relinquished
territory (Document 418)
- Consent of Spanish Government to assist the United States Government in
procuring evidence to defend claims assumed by the latter under the treaty
of peace (Documents 419–421)
- Registration of Cubans and Porto Ricans in Spain (Documents 422–427)
- Condolences on assassination of President McKinley (Documents 428–429)
- Deserters from merchant vessels; no law or regulation in the United States
providing for their punishment (Documents 430–431)
- Passport application of a native of the island of Guam (Documents 432–433)