Mr. Olney to Moustapha Bey.
Washington, February 19, 1897.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge your favor of the 14th instant, informing me that Mr. J. A. Iasigi, consul-general of Turkey at Boston, had telegraphed to you that he had just been arrested in New York in a civil suit in pursuance of a warrant received by telegraph from Boston.
Assuming Mr. Iasigi to have been arrested on a purely civil case, you call my attention to Article II of the treaty of 1830, and ask that a suitable communication be addressed to the proper authorities in New York to the end that the consul-general of Turkey, arrested in violation of the article of the treaty to which you call attention, may be immediately released.
It seems to be sufficient answer to your note and to the suggestion contained in it to say that information received at this Department makes it entirely certain that Mr. Iasigi’s arrest was not made in a civil suit, but on a criminal charge of embezzlement. He was detained in New York with a view to his extradition to Massachusetts to be there tried upon such criminal charge.
I avail myself, etc.,