Mr. Taylor to Mr. Sherman.

No. 741.]

Sir: On the 8th instant I had the honor to send you the following telegram:

Canovas assassinated to-day. Have expressed profound sympathy.

Yesterday morning I had the honor to receive from you the following response:

Your action approved. Renew in name of the President his expression of deep sorrow and sympathy for the loss borne by Spain in the death of Señor Canovas del Castillo, the prime minister of Spain, one of the most eminent of the statesmen of our time, and convey condolence to the family of the deceased.

I at once drafted two notes, the one conveying the condolence of the President to the Government of His Majesty, the other to the family of Señor Canovas. These notes I have delivered to the minister of state, who thanked me with visible emotion, and requested me to return at once the thanks of the Spanish Government to the President for his expressions of sympathy.

I have therefore sent you the following telegram:

Spanish Government returns sincere thanks to President for his messages of condolence.

I am, etc.,

Hannis Taylor.