Mr. Dupuy de Lôme to Mr. Olney.


Mr. Secretary: Referring to the case of the American citizen, Charles Scott, arrested in Cuba by reason of the present insurrection, and of whom on several occasions your excellency has spoken to me, I have the honor to bring to your knowledge that, according to official reports which are communicated to me by the minister of state, the said Charles Scott was detained at Regla on the 9th of the present month because it appeared from the process set on foot against other persons that he was a spy and agent of the subcommittee and delegate of the Junta there established for the purpose of collecting funds destined for the insurrection. Scott forthwith confessed his guilt, although alleging extenuating circumstances.

The same day on which Scott was arrested the consul of the United States asked for information concerning his detention, and on the 15th he was sent evidence of the charges which appeared against the accused.

On the 19th the consul asked that the order of “incommunication” be removed from Scott.

On the 24th it was ordered that, as a result of the proceedings and upon the recommendation of the regional governor, the case should be transferred to the ordinary courts, which orders were communicated to the consul of the United States, Scott remaining in jail.

The official reports which I have received in this matter conclude by stating that the military jurisdiction has not intervened in the case.

I avail myself, etc.,

E. Dupuy de Lôme.