Mr. Sherman to Mr.
Department of State,
Washington, November 9,
No. 485.]
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your
No. 635 of the 23d ultimo, reporting that the application of Mr. Marks
Nathan, an American Hebrew, to visit Russia, had been granted by the
minister of the interior.
In this connection I inclose copy of a letter from Mr. Charles L. Aarons,
of Milwaukee, transmitting copy of a reply made by the Russian legation
at this capital to a request for permission made, in behalf of a
naturalized American citizen of Russian birth, to visit Russia.
This reply was couched in terms new to this Departments.
It may be prudent to inquire if the condition of five years’ service in
the Russian army is in lieu of the criminal liability incurred under
article 325 of the Penal Code for the offense of becoming a naturalized
citizen in a foreign country and whether the same condition of return
extends to Jews. If penal exile to Siberia or arrest and expulsion as a
Jew should lie, the reply of the Russian legation would seem to be
unnecessarily silent as to these possible aspects of the case.
Respectfully, yours,
[Inclosure in No. 485.]
Mr. Aarons to
Mr. Sherman.
Milwaukee, Wis., November 4, 1897.
Esteemed Sir: Mr. Harry Marks, of this
city, is a citizen of the United States and of this State of long
He is desirous of making a visit to Russo-Poland, his birthplace, to
visit his aged parents, whom he left about twenty years ago, and
makes this request for a passport or such other authority as will
show his citizenship and right to travel. He is in possession of his
first and second citizenship papers, and will forward them to you if
He begs furthermore to call your attention to the following: On his
behalf, I have recently written to the Russian ambassador, at
Washington, stating that Mr. Marks left his native land at the age
of 17 and for no other purpose than to earn a living for himself and
for his parents. He has been doing this in this country ever since;
consequently he was not in Russia at the time when his enlistment
would have taken place at the age of 21 years.
[Page 438]
I wrote asking the Russian ambassador that a special permit from him
be given to Mr. Marks assuring him that he would not be disturbed
and allowing him to visit his birthplace. I herewith inclose copy of
answer received by me.
I, as well as many others here who are awaiting the outcome of this
matter with deep interest, would greatly appreciate any
consideration that you can bestow upon this matter.
Awaiting your reply in the inclosed stamped envelope, I am, etc.,
[Subinclosure in No.
Mr. Zelenoi to Mr. Aarons.
Russian Imperial Legation,
Washington, October 20/November 1,
No. 488.]
Dear Sir: In reply to your letter I have
the honor to inform you that everyone who left Russia before his
enlistment in the army on his return to that country must serve his
term, which is five years. Before speaking of a permit I found it
necessary to announce you this matter. If Mr. Harry Marks is willing
to serve his country five years as a soldier we can consider his
Believe me, sir, yours, truly,
A. Zelenoi,
Secretary of the Russian