Mr. Peirce to Mr. Sherman.
St. Petersburg, January 25, 1897. (Received Feb. 12.)
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your No. 354 of January 4, inclosing copy of a letter from the governor of Montana in regard to the case of John Ginzberg.
Ginzberg has been, at my request, sent from Loguishin, in the province of Minsk, to Libau, from which port Mr. Neils P. Bornholdt, United States consul at Riga, who has a large shipping business, has promised for him opportunity to work his passage to Antwerp. I have requested Mr. Bornholdt to instruct his agents to hand over to Ginzberg 95 rubles, the amount of draft which has been received for him. As this is to Mr. Breckinridge’s order, I have told Mr. Bornholdt that I would personally be responsible for the payment to him of the amount, but that I awaited the return of the minister before remitting. Ginzberg’s departure for the United States may be expected in the course of the next ten days.
I may add with regard to this case that on the occasion of my last visit to the foreign office regarding him the officer immediately in charge of the documents in his case remarked with exclamation that according to usual practice he had been very leniently dealt with.
I have, etc.,
Chargé d’Affaires ad interim.