Mr. Romero to Mr. Sherman.
Washington, September 23, 1897.
Mr. Secretary: I have had the honor to receive your note, No. 288, bearing date of yesterday, in reply to that which, in obedience to the instructions of the Government of Mexico, I addressed to you on the 9th ultimo, proposing the negotiation of a convention for the purpose of rectifying the demarcation of the boundary line between Mexico and the United States in accordance with the treaty of December 30, 1853, between the Rio Grande (monument No. 1) and the Colorado River (monument No. 205) or throughout its extent if this should be preferred by the United States Government.
You were pleased to state, in your aforesaid note, the objections which the United States Government has to accepting the proposition of the Mexican Government, and in order that the latter Government may be enabled to examine them properly, I shall send it a copy of your note without delay.
Be pleased to accept, etc.,