Mr. Romero to Mr. Sherman.
Washington, March 12, 1897.
Mr. Secretary: I have the honor to inform you that I have received a cablegram from Señor Mariscal, secretary of foreign relations of the United States of Mexico, dated to-day, in the city of Mexico, in which he tells me that yesterday he received the news that the Government of the Argentine Republic had authorized its minister at Madrid, Señor Doctor Don Vicente G. Quesada, to accept the post of arbitrator [Page 380] in the claims of Charles Oberlander and Barbara M. Messenger against Mexico.
Likewise I have received your note No. 228, of this date, in which you are pleased to inform me that Mr. Hannis Taylor, minister of the United States in Madrid, sent you the same news in a message of the 10th instant.
This circumstance will permit the agreement to be carried out which I signed with your predecessor on the 2d instant, to submit to arbitration the said claims.
Be pleased to accept, etc.,