Mr. Olney to Mr. Romero.

No. 204.]

Sir: In response to your two notes of December 26, 1896, relative to the claims of Charles Oberlander and Barbara M. Messenger against the Mexican Government, I have the honor to submit herewith for your consideration copy of a draft of a protocol which I believe will cover the suggestions contained in your notes. If this draft meets with your approval I shall be glad to sign it with you in duplicate. If, on the contrary, you perceive objection thereto, I should be glad to have a conference with you at your earliest convenience, with a view to so amending it as to remove the objections.

As soon as the agreement is signed it would be well for each Government to make known to the Argentine minister at Madrid its desire that he act as referee in the case. Each Government in so doing will, I presume, utilize the offices of its own representative at that capital for the purpose of explaining to Mr. Quesada that the papers will be submitted for his examination at any place he may choose to name.

Accept, etc.,

Richard Olney.