Mr. Hay to Mr. Sherman.

No. 86.]

Sir: Referring to your instruction numbered 139 of the 20th instant, and to previous correspondence relative to the preservation of fur seals in Bering Sea, I have the honor to inclose herewith the translation of a cipher telegram which I sent you yesterday, stating that Her Majesty’s Government had assented to a conference of experts on the seal question, at Washington, in October next.

I also inclose copies of Lord Salisbury’s note, on which my cablegram was based, and of my reply to the same.

I have, etc.,

John Hay.
[Inclosure 1 in No. 86.]

Lord Salisbury to Mr. Hay.

Your Excellency: In the last paragraph of the dispatch addressed to you by Mr. Sherman, under date of the 10th of May last, and communicated by you to me on the 22d of that month, a wish is expressed for a conference of the powers interested in the fur-seal fishery of the North Pacific.

In reply I have to state that Her Majesty’s Government are willing to agree to a meeting of experts nominated by Great Britain and Canada and by the United States, in October next, when the further investigations to be made on the islands during the present season will have been completed.

[Page 301]

The object of the meeting would be to arrive, if possible, at correct conclusions respecting the numbers, conditions, and habits of the seals frequenting the Pribilof Islands at the present time, as compared with the several seasons previous and subsequent to the Paris award.

It seems to Her Majesty’s Government that Washington would be the most suitable place for such a meeting.

The other portions of Mr. Sherman’s dispatch, in so far as they require any reply from Her Majesty’s Government, have been answered by anticipation in dispatches which I have addressed to Her Majesty’s ambassador at Washington on the 22d of April and 7th of May last, and which have been communicated to the Government of the United States.

I have, etc.,

[Inclosure 2 in No. 86.]

Mr. Hay to Lord Salisbury.

My Lord: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your lordship’s note of the 28th of July, in which, in reply to the suggestion of the President of the United States of a conference of the powers interested in the fur-seal fishery in the North Pacific, you acquaint me of the willingness of Her Majesty’s Government to agree to a meeting of experts nominated by Great Britain and Canada and by the United States, in October next, the object of the meeting being to arrive, if possible, at correct conclusions respecting the present condition of the seal herd frequenting the Pribilof Islands, as compared with former seasons, and that, in the opinion of Her Majesty’s Government, Washington would be the most suitable place for such a meeting.

I shall lose no time in transmitting your lordship’s note to my Government.

It may not be out of place for me to recall to your lordship that, as I have already had occasion to mention, the President expects the Governments of Russia and Japan, powers interested in the preservation of the seal herds of Behring Sea, to be represented at the conference.

I have, etc.,

John Hay.