Mr. Sherman to Sir Julian Pauncefote.
Washington, May 1, 1897.
Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 29th ultimo relating to the visit to the seal islands of Bering Sea of Professor Thompson and Mr. Macoun.
Instructions will at once be given to the authorities on the Pribilof Islands to extend to Mr. Macoun the same facilities as were granted to him during his visit last year, it being understood that the object of his visit is to act under the direction of Professor Thompson and his assistant. It will further be the pleasure of this Government to afford Mr. Macoun passage on any of the revenue vessels making voyages to those islands, should their movements suit his convenience.
[Page 277]Note is taken of the friendly offer of Her Majesty’s Government to provide a passage for Dr. Jordan from Yokohama to the Russian Islands in a British ship, and Dr. Jordan will be so advised; but it is probable that it will not be possible at this date to avail of the offer.
I have, etc.,