Mr. Carter to Mr. Sherman.

No. 902.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith clippings from the London Times of to-day containing a question and answer in the House of Commons yesterday with reference to the existing regulations in relation to the seal fisheries in Bering Sea, from which it will be observed that it is thought some modification in the regulations may be found desirable at the end of 1898, but that no revision of the same will be adopted without reference to the Dominion Government.,

I have, etc.,

John Ridgely Carter.
[Inclosure in No. 902.—Extract from the Times, Wednesday, March 31, 1897.]

Bering Sea fisheries.

In answer to Mr. Seton-Karr (St. Helens)—

Mr. Curzon (Lancashire, Southport) said: The reports of the British commissioners have been received and are under examination. It is thought that some modification of the existing regulations may be found desirable at the end of 1898, the period fixed by the arbitration tribunal for their reconsideration. No revised regulations will be adopted without previous communication with the Dominion Government.