Sir Julian
Pauncefote to Mr. Sherman.
Washington, March 24,
Sir: On behalf of my Government and at the
request of my colleagues, the representatives of Austria-Hungary,
France, Germany, Italy, and Russia, I have the honor to transmit the
inclosed communication relative to certain measures taken by the naval
forces of the great powers, signatories of the treaty of Berlin, in the
waters of the Island of Crete.
I desire to explain that this communication has not been delivered on the
date which it bears owing to an accidental delay in the receipt of their
instructions by some of my colleagues.
I avail myself, etc.,
Washington, March 20,
The undersigned, under instructions from their respective
Governments, have the honor to notify the Government of the United
States that the admirals in command of the forces of
Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, and Russia
in Cretan waters have decided to put the Island of Crete in a state
of blockade, commencing the 21st instant at 8 a.m.
The blockade will be general for all ships under the Greek flag.
Ships of the six powers or neutral powers may enter into the ports
occupied by the powers and land their merchandise, but only if it is
not for the Greek troops or the interior of the island. The ships
may be visited by the ships of the international fleets.
The limits of the blockade are comprised between 23° 24′ and 26° 30′
longitude east of Greenwich, and 35° 48′ and 34° 45′ north
- Julian Pauncefote, H. B. M. Ambassador.
- Patenôtre, Ambassadeur de la Republique Française.
- Fava, Ambaseiatore d’Italia.
- Thielmann, Etc., Etc., Etc.
- Yon Hengelmuller, Etc., Etc., Etc.
- Kotzebue, Etc., Etc., Etc.