Mr. Uhl to Mr. Sherman.
Berlin, June 7, 1897. (Received June 25).
Sir: Referring to instruction No. 561,1 of March 3, 1896, from Mr. Olney to Mr. Jackson, upon the subject of the existing treaties in regard to naturalization between the United States and the German States, with particular reference to Alsace-Lorraine, I beg to say that not long after reaching my post I brought the matter to the attention of His Excellency Baron Marschall von Bieberstein, imperial Germ an secretary of state for foreign affairs.
In an interview with him on the 23d day of December last I again referred to the subject, and requested that after consideration he would advise me of the views of his Government with reference to undertaking the negotiation of a new treaty. He, in general terms, expressed himself as favorable to a consideration of the question, and made a memorandum thereof, with the statement that after examining it he would confer with me further.
A few days since I again, at the foreign office, spoke with his excellency as to the matter, and was informed by him that he had not as yet been able to give the same such attention as he desired preparatory to a discussion thereof.
In this connection you have not failed to note my contention as to the attitude of the German Government with reference to the application of existing treaties to Alsace-Lorraine, in my note to the foreign office (F. O. 222) in the case of Jonas Lippmann, of the 4th ultimo, a copy of which was sent to the Department in my dispatch No. 338, of the same date.
I have, etc.,