Mr. Uhl to Mr. Sherman.

No. 345.]

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that in last night’s issue of the Berliner Correspondenz, No. 93, a news sheet published by the Prussian ministry of the interior, the report, as referred to, which has recently appeared in the press, that new regulations have been issued by that ministry, according to which the provisions in regard to the sojourn in Prussia of naturalized Americans who were formerly German subjects are made considerably more severe, and the statement is made that this report is entirely without foundation, and that the regulations in regard to the temporary residence in Prussia of these so-called German Americans which were issued several years ago still remain in force without change.

It will be remembered that information similar to that contained in this article was communicated to me by the German foreign office in January last, in reply to an inquiry from the embassy on the subject (see my dispatch No. 233, of January 8, 1897), and that I was informed that the regulations (see dispatch No. 241, of January 14) referred to were issued between 1880 and 1890, and were not intended to be made public.

I have, etc.,

Edwin F. Uhl.