Mr. Uhl to Mr. Sherman.

No. 326.]

Sir: Referring to my dispatch No. 257, of January 28 last, I have the honor to inform you that I took occasion yesterday, when calling upon Baron von Marschall at the foreign office, to inquire as to the present status of the long-pending application of the American life insurance companies for readmission into Prussia, and was informed by him that the records in each case had been considered in the Prussian ministry of state, but that owing to the differences in the opinions of the experts no conclusion had been reached upon the merits, and it had consequently been determined to refer the entire records in each case to another insurance expert, who is considered an especially learned authority in treating the question involved in the inquiry. He further said that the ministry would await a report from this expert before taking final action.

I have, etc.,

Edwin F. Uhl.