Mr. Olney to Mr. Risley.
Washington, November 28, 1896.
Sir: I inclose for your information copy of a note from the Danish minister at this capital, under date of the 18th instant, inquiring as to the authenticity and competent issuance of a certificate of naturalization by the county court of Kings County, N. Y., to one Jens Anton Edvard Sorensen, who, having been arrested on charge of violating the military-service law of Denmark, has alleged his American citizenship. I also inclose a copy of my reply to Mr. Brun.
The Danish minister’s request implies a purpose to regard this certificate not only as the evidence of acquisition of United States citizenship, which is in fact, but also as the evidence of the holder’s right to protection as a citizen while residing abroad. A passport is, however, the proper prima facie evidence to that end, and I have so intimated to the minister, adding that you would be instructed as to issuing a passport, should the facts warrant it, upon Mr. Sorensen’s application. This course is necessary because, while the fact that Mr. Sorensen acquired American citizenship five years ago appears to be completely established, it is not equally established whether the circumstances of his departure from this country, return, as would appear, to the country of his original allegiance, and residence therein are compatible with his claim to continued protection as a citizen while so residing abroad. These are the facts and circumstances to be ascertained by the legation, taking into account our existing treaty with Denmark.
It is much to be regretted that the inquiry has taken this indirect course, as the determination of Mr. Sorensen’s case has thereby probably been needlessly prolonged.
I am, etc.,