Mr. Uhl to Mr. Andrade.
Washington, July 3, 1895.
Sir: With further reference to the subject of your recent interviews concerning the desire of the Venezuelan Government for the restoration of diplomatic relations with France and Belgium, and referring, also, to my note to you of the 20th ultimo, communicating the unfavorable report of our ambassador at Paris in regard to the disposition of the French Government in the matter, I have now the honor to inform you that I have received a report from the United States minister at Brussels, under date of June 14. Mr. Ewing communicates the reply of the Belgian minister for foreign affairs, to the effect that, as the representative of France had been treated in the same manner as the agent of Belgium, the Belgian Government wishes, in the first place, to have an understanding on the subject with the French Republic, and is, moreover, awaiting the expected arrival of Mr. Ledeganck, its consul-general and chargé d’affaires at Caracas, who, for family reasons, was unable to leave that city as promptly as did the envoy of France.
In acknowledging the reports of Mr. Eustis and Mr. Ewing, I have taken occasion to express the sincere hope of this Government that by [Page 1480] the continued and discreet use of their good offices they may contribute to the desired restoration of the relations of Venezuela with France and Belgium.
Accept, etc.,
Acting Secretary.