Mr. Olney to Mr. Andrade.
Washington, June 20, 1895.
Sir: I have the honor, in connection with the Department’s note of the 5th instant and our interview of this morning, to apprise you of the receipt of a dispatch from the United States ambassador at Paris, No. 311, of the 6th instant, in regard to his friendly action, under the Department’s instruction, looking to the restoration of amicable diplomatic relations between the Governments of Venezuela and France.
Mr. Eustis sought an interview with Mr. Hanotaux, the minister for foreign affairs, who, although he accepted the ambassador’s official statement with courtesy, failed, much to the Department’s regret, to give Mr. Eustis any encouragement to believe that the French Government was inclined to change its present attitude in the matter. Mr. Eustis then unofficially discussed with Mr. Hanotaux, at some length, the whole subject, but the impression left on his mind was that the Government of France was not at present disposed to resume its diplomatic relations with your Government.
Accept, etc.,