List of papers, with subjects of correspondence


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
43 Mr. Gresham to Mr. Alexander 1895. Feb. 21 Trade-marks 759
Mr. Alexander to Mr. Gresham (telegram). Mar. 16 do 759
Mr. Uhl to Mr. Alexander (telegram). Mar. 23 do 760
60 Mr. Alexander to Mr. Uhl Mar. 25 do 760
46 Mr. Adee to Mr. Alexander Apr. 22 do 761
68 Mr. Alexander to Mr. Uhl June 18 do 762
74 Mr. Alexander to Mr. Adee July 25 do 762
75 Mr. Olney to Mr. Alexander Nov. 9 do 763
85 Mr. Alexander to Mr. Olney Dec. 17 do 763
81 Mr. Olney to Mr. Alexander 1896. Jan. 21 do 764


Mr. Lazo Arriaga to Mr. Gresham. 1894. Nov. 28 1895. Relations with Mexico 766
161 Mr. Young to Mr. Gresham Feb. 21 Arrest of W. H. Argall, Henry Thomas, and Robert Pardee. 771
2 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Lazo Arriasra May 11 do 773
172 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Young May 15 do 773
Mr. Lazo Arriaga to Mr. Gresham. May 20 Relations with Mexico 769
3 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Lazo Arriaga May 25 do 771
179 Mr. Young to Mr. Gresham do Arrest of W. H. Argall, Henry Thomas, and Robert Pardee. 774
180 Mr. Olney to Mr. Pringle June 25 do 774
263 Mr. Olney to Mr. Young 1896. Jan. 30 Claim of J. H. Hollander 775


91 Mr. Terres to Mr. Gresham 1894. Oct. 6 Expulsion of Eugne Wiener 800
66 Mr. Gresham to Mr. Smythe Oct. 6 do 801
104 Mr. Smythe to Mr. Gresham Dec. 12 do 803
106 Mr. Smythe to Mr. Gresham Dec. 17 do 803
108 Mr. Smythe to Mr. Gresham Dec. 8 1895 do 806
Mr. Haentjens to Mr. Gresham Jan. 12 do 807
110 Mr. Smythe to Mr. Gresham Jan. 14 do 808
1 Mr. Gresham to Mr. Haentjens Jan. 21 do 809
76 Mr. Gresham to Mr. Smythe Jan. 24 do 809
77 Mr. Gresham to Mr. Smythe Jan. 31 Claim of Bernard Campbell 811
118 Mr. Smythe to Mr. Gresham Feb. 9 Discriminating tonnage dues in favor of sailing vessels 810
119 Mr. Smythe to Mr. Gresham Feb. 15 do 810
122 Mr. Smythe to Mr. Gresham Feb. 23 Claim of Bernard Campbell 812
82 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Smythe Mar. 7 do 813
88 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Smythe Mar. 27 do 813
149 Mr. Terres to Mr. Uhl June 5 Attachment of indemnity due Richard Allen 814
102 Mr. Olney to Mr. Terres June 21 do 816
153 Mr. Terres to Mr. Olney July 9 do 816
106 Mr. Adee to Mr. Terres Aug. 2 do 817
[Page IV]


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
84 Mr. Willis to Mr. Gresham 1895. Jan. 30 Political events 818
85 Mr. Willis to Mr. Gresham Feb. 2 do 823
86 Mr. Willis to Mr. Gresham Feb. 8 do 823
Mr. Peterson to Mr. Uhl (telegram). Feb. 10 do 828
10 Mr. Peterson to Mr. Uhl Feb. 12 do 826
Mr. Thurston to Mr. Gresham Feb. 15 Alleged violation of the United States neutrality laws. 867
87 Mr. Willis to Mr. Gresham Feb. 16 Political events 832
Mr. Willis to Mr. Gresham (telegram). Feb. 17 do 834
65 Mr. Gresham to Mr. Willis Feb. 21 Recall of Minister Thurston 876
67 Mr. Gresham to Mr. Willis Feb. 23 Political events 834
Mr. Willis to Mr. Gresham (telegram) do do 835
88 Mr. Willis to Mr. Gresham do do 835
90 Mr. Willis to Mr. Gresham do do 840
Mr. Gresham to Mr. Peterson (telegram). Feb. 25 do 842
Mr. Gresham to Mr. Willis (telegram). do do 842
66 Mr. Gresham to Mr. Willis do do 842
Mr. Gresham to Mr. Willis (telegram). Feb. 26 do 843
12 Mr. Peterson to Mr. Uhl do do 844
Mr. Thurston to Mr. Gresham do Alleged violation of the United States neutrality laws. 872
69 Mr. Gresham to Mr. Willis Feb. 28 Political events 846
92 Mr. Willis to Mr. Gresham Mar. 5 do 846
93 Mr. Willis to Mr. Gresham Mar. 7 do 848
94 Mr. Willis to Mr. Gresham do do 850
Mr. Thurston to Mr. Gresham Mar. 15 Alleged violation of United States neutralitv laws. 873
3 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Thurston Mar. 16 do 873
95 Mr. Willis to Mr. Gresham Mar. 20 Political events 851
Mr. Thurston to Mr. Gresham Mar. 23 do 852
97 Mr. Willis to Mr. Gresham Mar. 28 do 852
74 Mr. Gresham to Mr. Willis Apr. 5 do 853
104 Mr. Willis to Mr. Gresham Apr. 25 do 854
105 Mr. Willis to Mr. Gresham May 2 Recall or Minister Thurston 879
107 Mr. Willis to Mr. Gresham May 7 do 879
109 Mr. Wills to Mr. Gresham May 8 Political events 854
83 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Willis May 14 do 854
113 Mr. Willis to Mr. Gresham June 1 do 850
93 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Willis Do 881
116 Mr. Willis to Mr. Gresham June 3 Political events 858
Mr. Willis to Mr. Uhl (telegram). do Recall of Mr. Thurston 881
98 Mr. Olney to Mr. Willis June 12 Political events 859
99 Mr. Olney to Mr. Willis do do 860
122 Mr. Willis to Mr. Uhl June 26 861
124 Mr. Willis to Mr. Olney July 5 do 861
18 Mr. Peterson to Mr. Uhl Aug. 5 do 862
129 } Mr. Willis to Mr. Olney Aug. 12 do 863
130 Mr. Willis to Mr. Olney Aug. 14 do 864
133 Mr. Willis to Mr. Adee Sept. 4 do 804
21 Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Peterson Sept. 16 do 805
140 Mr. Willis to Mr. Olney Oct. 20 do 805
121 Mr. Olney to Mr. Willis Nov. 13 do 867
Mr. Castle to Mr. Olney Nov. 19 Alleged violation of the United States neutrality laws. 874
1 Mr. Olney to Mr. Hatch Dec. 11 do 875
145 Mr. Willis to Mr. Olney 1896. Jan. 6 Political events 867


[Page V]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Mr. Uhl to Mr. Young (telegram) 1895. Mar. 19 Murder of Charles W. Renton 882
Mr. Young to Mr. Uhl (telegram). Mar. 23 do 882
Mr. Uhl to Mr. Young (telegram). May 24 do 882
Mr. Young to Mr. Gresham (telegram). May 26 do 882
187 Mr. Pringle to Mr. Uhl July 15 do 883
59 Mr. Lazo Arriaga to Mr. Olney June 17 do 889
Mr. Pringle to Mr. Olney (telegram). 1895. June 25 Murder of Charles W. Renton 890
183 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Young July 2 do 890
191 Mr. Pringle to Mr. Olney do do 919
186 Mr. Adee to Mr. Pringle July 9 do 919
190 Mr. Adee to Mr. Pringle July 16 Status m Honduras of American citizens of Honduranean birth. 935
217 Mr. Olney to Mr. Young Sept. 16 Murder of Charles W. Renton 920
220 Mr. Pringle to Mr. Olney Sept. 26 do 920
Mr. Young to Mr. Olney (telegram). Dec. 27 do 934
Mr. Olney to Mr. Young (telegram). 1896. Feb. 6 do 934
265 Mr. Olney to Mr. Young Feb. 12 do 934
5 Mr. Olney to Mr. Lazo Arriaga do do 934


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
90 Mr. MacVeagh to Mr. Gresham 1895. Feb. 6 Arbitration by the President of the Cerruti claims against Colombia. 957
Mr. Gresham to Mr. MacVeagh (telegram). Feb. 28 do 960
92 Mr. Gresham to Mr. MacVeagh Mar. 1 do 960
Baron Fava to Mr. Gresham Mar. 13 Killing: of Italian laborers in Colorado 938
8 Mr. Uhl to Baron Fava do do 939
Baron Fava to Mr. Gresham Mar. 14 do 939
Mr. Uhl to Baron Fava Do do 939
Mr. Uhl to Baron Fava Mar. 15 do 940
Mr. Uhl to Baron Fava Mar. 16 Do 941
Mr. Uhl to baron Fava do do 941
Baron Fava to Mr. Gresham do do 942
Baron Fava to Mr. Gresham do do 942
Mr. Uhl to Baron Fava Mar. 18 do 942
Baron Fava to Mr. Gresham do do 943
Mr. Uhl to Baron Fava Mar. 20 do 943
Baron Fava to Mr. Gresham Mar. 27 do 944
Mr. Gresham to Governor McIntire. Apr. 5 do 946
11 Mr. Uhl to Baron Fava Apr. 6 do 947
20 Mr. Gresham to Baron Fava Apr. 18 do 947
102 Mr. Gresham to Mr. MacVeagh Apr. 25 Evidence of citizenship of persons born abroad of naturalized fathers. 968
Baron Fava to Mr. Gresham May 11 Observance of the Brussels act of July 9, 1890, concerning the slave trade and the prohibition of arms and ammunition in 960
Baron Fava to Mr. Gresham May 16 Louisiana inheritance tax 966
37 Mr. Olney to Baron Fava June 13 Killing of Italian laborers in Colorado 948
41 Mr. Olney to Baron Fava June 20 Observance of the Brussels act of July 9, 1890, concerning the slave trade and the prohibition of arms and ammunition in Ethiopia. 964
43 Mr. Olney to Baron Fava June 24 Killing of Italian laborers in Colorado 949
44 Mr. Olney to Baron Fava June 25 do 950
Mr. Adee to Baron Fava July 27 Louisiana inheritance tax 967
Baron Fava to Mr. Olney Oct. — Killing of Italian laborers in Colorado 950
Mr. Uhl to Baron Fava Oct. 23 do 952
Mr. Uhl to Governor McIntire do do 952
Baron Fava to Mr. Olney Nov. 27 do 953
Baron Fava to Mr. Olney Nov. 29 do 953
88 Mr. Olney to Baron Fava Dec. 2 do 954
Mr. Olney to Governor McIntire. Dec. 27 do 955
Governor McIntire to Mr. Olney. 1896. Jan. 7 do 955
Governor McIntire to Mr. Olney. Jan. 15 do 955
Mr. Olney to Governor McIntire. Jan. 21 do 956
President’s message Feb. 3 Do 938


No. From and Whom. Date. Subject Page.
Mr. Kurino to Mr. Gresham 1895. Mar. 23 Good relation 969
Mr. Gresham to Mr. Kurino Mar. 27 do 970
Mr. Uhl to Mr. Dun (telegram). May 18 Bering Sea regulation 970
Thanks of the Emperor Nov. 1 Good offices to Japanese subjects in China 969
[Page VI]


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
87 Mr. Adee to Mr. Sill 1895. July 9 Korean independence 971
Mr. Dun to Mr. Olney (telegram) Oct. 9 Political events 971
Mr. Dun to Mr. Olney (telegram) Oct. 12 do 971
Mr. Dun to Mr. Olney (telegram) Oct. 14 do 972
Mr. Sill to Mr. Olney (telegram). Oct. 26 do 972
Mr. Sill to Mr. Olney (telegram). Nov. 9 do 972
Mr. Sill to Mr. Olney (telegram). Nov. 10 do 972
Mr. Olney to Mr. Sill Nov. 11 do 972
Mr. Olney to Mr. Sill (telegram). Nov. 20 do 973
125 Mr. Olney to Mr. Sill Nov. 21 do 973
Mr. Sill to Mr. Olney (telegram). Dec. 1 do 974
Mr. Olney to Mr. Sill (telegram). Dec. 2 do 974
130 Mr. Olney to Mr. Sill Dec. 31 1896. do 974
Mr. Olney to Mr. Sill Jan. 10 do 975
132 Mr. Olney to Mr. Sill Jan. 11 do 975
Mr. Sill to Mr. Olney (telegram). Jan. 13 do 976
189 Mr. Sill to Mr. Olney Jan. 20 do 977


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Mr. Mariscal to the Mexican chargé d’affaires in Guatemala. 1894. Nov. 30 Disputed boundary between Mexico and Guatemala. 979
Mr. Gresham to Mr. Gray (telegram) 1895. Jan. 21 do 987
Mr. Butler to Mr. Gresham (telegram). Jan. 24 do 988
Mr. Gresham to Mr. Gray (telegram). Feb. 6 do 988
Mr. Butler to Mr. Gresham (telegram). Feb. 12 do 989
Mr. Butler to Mr. Gresham (telegram). Feb. 14 Death of Minister Grey 994
Mr. Butler to Mr. Gresham (telegram). Feb. 15 do 994
Mr. Butler to Mr. Gresham (telegram). Feb. 16 do 994
433 Mr. Butler to Mr. Gresham Feb. 17 do 995
Mr. Gresham to Mr. Butler (telegram). Feb. 18 do 995
437 Mr. Butler to Mr. Gresham Feb. 22 do 996
357 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Butler Feb. 28 do 996
Mr. Butler to Mr. Gresham (telegram). Apr. 1 Disputed boundary between Mexico and Guatemala. 989
476 Mr. Butler to Mr. Gresham Apr. 10 do 989
45 Mr. Adee to Mr. Butler July 8 Assumption of Mexican citizenship to evade extradition. 997
Mr. Butler to Mr. Olney (telegram). July 17 do 997
Mr. Adee to Mr. Butler (telegram). July 18 do 998
Mr. Adee to Mr. Butler (telegram). July 19 do 998
Mr. Butler to Mr. Olney (telegram). July 20 do 998
Mr. Butler to Mr. Olney (telegram). July 25 do 998
38 Mr. Butler to Mr. Olney do do 998
Mr. Butler to Mr. Olney (telegram). July 26 do 1001
Mr. Adee to Mr. Butler (telegram). July 27 do 1001
40 Mr. Butler to Mr. Olney July 30 do 1002
48 Mr. Butler to Mr. Olney Aug. 20 Disputed boundary between Mexico and Guatemala. 901
69 Mr. Ransom to Mr. Olney Sept. 21 do 993
Mr. Olney to Mr. Ransom (telegram). Oct. 4 do 993
75 Mr. Ransom to Mr. Olney Oct. 8 do 993
82 Mr. Ransom to Mr. Olney Nov. 9 Mexican laws concerning alienship and naturalization. 1011
131 Mr. Olney to Mr. Ransom Dec. 13 Assumption of American citizenship to evade extradition. 1008
103 Mr. Butler to Mr. Olney 1896. Jan. 2 do 1010
115 Mr. Butler to Mr. Olney Jan. 25 do 1010
[Page VII]


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Mr. Planten to Mr. Gresham 1894. Aug. 31 Salt and sugar duties 1019
Mr. Uhl to Mr. Planten Sept. 1 do 1019
Mr. Planten to Mr. Gresham Sept. 14 do 1019
Mr. Gresham to Mr. Planten Sept. 17 do 1020
Mr. Gresham to Mr. Planten Sept. 18 do 1021
Mr. Planten to Mr. Gresham Sept. 25 do 1021
Mr. Gresham to Mr. Planten Sept. 27 do 1021
Mr. Planten to Mr. Gresham do do 1022
Mr. Planten to Mr. Gresham Oct. 2 do 1022
Mr. Uhl to Mr. Planten Oct. 4 do 1023
Mr. Uhl to Mr. Planten Oct. 5 do 1023
Mr. Uhl to Mr. Planten Oct. 11 do 1023
Mr. Planten to Mr. Gresham Oct. 13 do 1024
Mr. Uhl to Mr. deWeckherlin Dec. 29 do 1024


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Lord Kimberley to Dr. Barrios 1895. Feb. 26 British demands 1025
490 Mr. Baker to Mr. Gresham Mar. 10 Death of Catarino E. Garza 1035
Mr. Guzman to Mr. Gresham Apr. 13 British demands 1029
Mr. Baker to Mr. Gresham (telegram). do do 1029
503 Mr. Baker to Mr. Gresham Apr. 15 do 1029
Mr. Matus to Mr. Guzman Apr. 22 do 1030
Mr. Matus to Mr. Guzman Apr. 23 do 1030
Mr. Baker to Mr. Gresham (telegram). Apr. 24 do 1030
506 Mr. Baker to Mr. Gresham do do 1032
Admiral Stephenson to the Nicaraguan Government. Apr. 25 do 1032
Mr. Baker to Mr. Gresham (telegram). Apr. 27 do 1032
Mr. Baker to Mr. Gresham (telegram). do do 1033
Mr. Baker to Mr. Gresham (telegram). Apr. 29 do 1033
Mr. Baker to Mr. Gresham (telegram). May 6 do 1033
325 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Baker do Do 1033
528 Mr. Baker to Mr. Uhl June 3 Incorporation of the Mosquito Territory into Nicaragua. 1034
531 Mr. Baker to Mr. Uhl do British demands 1034


[Page VIII]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
84 Mr. Evarts to Mr. Gibbs 1877. Oct. 31 Claims of the Hydrographic Commission of the Amazon. 1036
90 Mr. Seward to Mr. Gibbs Dec. 17 1878. do 1037
245 Mr. Gibbs to Mr. Evarts Apr. 27 do 1037
108 Mr. Seward to Mr. Gibbs May 31 do 1038
268 Mr. Gibbs to Mr. Evarts July 24 do 1038
129 Mr. Evarts to Mr. Gibbs 1879. Jan. 13 do 1039
300 Mr. Gibbs to Mr. Evarts Jan. 22 do 1039
136 Mr. Evarts to Mr. Gibbs Feb. 21 do 1040
8 Mr. Evarts to Mr. Christiancy Apr. 28 do 1040
40 Mr. Christiancy to Mr. Evarts July 23 do 1040
119 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Phelps 1885. Apr. 13 do 1041
31 Mr. Buck to Mr. Bayard Sept. 18 do 1041
30 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Buck Oct. 19 do 1042
14 Mr. Adee to Mr. Hicks 1889. 1 Sept. 11 do 1042
49 Mr. Hicks to Mr. Blaine Nov. 14 do 1043
22 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Hicks Dec. 5 do 1044
56 Mr. Hicks to Mr. Blaine Dec. 20 do 1044
28 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Hicks 1890. Jan. 15 do 1044
91 Mr. Hicks to Mr. Blaine Feb. 21 do 1044
43 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Hicks Mar. 27 do 1044
73 Mr. Wharton to Mr. Neill Aug. 27 do 1045
162 Mr. Neill to Mr. Blaine Sept. 22 do 1045
171 Mr. Neill to Mr. Blaine Oct. 15 do 1046
180 Mr. Hicks to Mr. Blaine 1890. Nov. 3 Claims of the Hydrographic Commission of the Amazon. 1047
93 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Hicks Dec. 3 do 1047
139 Mr. Wharton to Mr. Hicks 1891. May 11 do 1047
293 Mr. Neill to Mr. Blaine Aug. 22 do 1047
304 Mr. Hicks to Mr. Blaine Oct. 1 do 1048
318 Mr. Hicks to Mr. Hicks Oct. 26 do 1049
182 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Hicks Nov. 17 1892. do 1049
355 Mr. Hicks to Mr. Blaine Apr. 1 do 1049
357 Mr. Hicks to Mr. Blaine Apr. 8 do 1050
407 Mr. Neill to Mr. Blaine July 27 do 1050
411 Mr. Neill to Mr. Foster Aug. 3 Do 1051
227 Mr. Adee to Mr. Hicks Sept. 1 do 1051
421 Mr. Hicks to Mr. Foster Sept. 2 do 1052
425 Mr. Hicks to Mr. Foster Sept. 16 do 1052
235 Mr. Wharton to Mr. Hicks Oct. 27 do 1052
115 Mr. Uhl to Mr. McKenzie 1895. June 7 do 1053
223 Mr. McKenzie to Mr. Olney July 15 do 1053
237 Mr. Neill to Mr. Olney Aug. 29 do 1053
243 Mr. Neill to Mr. Olney Sent. 13 do 1054
131 Mr. Olney to Mr. Neill Sept. 26 do 1054
146 Mr. Olney to Mr. McKenzie Dec. 31 do 1055


[Page IX]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
6 Mr. Gresham to Prince Cantacuzéne. 1895. Feb. 16 Commercial relation 1119
46 Mr. Gresham to Mr. Breckinridge. Apr. 15 Refusal of Russian consular officers to visé United States passports in favor of Jews. 1056
50 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Breckinridge May 3 Arrest of John Ginzberg 1081
54 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Breckinridge May 15 do 1082
57 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Breckinridge May 16 Asylum for missionaries on Russian territory. 1074
70 Mr. Breckinridge to Mr. Gresham do Russian finances 1123
71 Mr. Breckinridge to Mr. Gresham May 17 Refusal of Russian consular officers to visé United States passports in favor of Jews. 1056
74 Mr. Breckinridge to Mr. Gresham May 18 Arrest of John Ginzberg 1083
81 Mr. Peirce to Mr. Gresham May 27 do 1090
85 Mr. Peirce to Mr. Uhl May 30 do 1090
69 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Peirce June 3 Refusal of Russian consular officers to visé United States passports in favor of Jews. 1058
89 Mr. Peirce to Mr. Uhl June 4 Asylum for missionaries on Russian territory. 1074
91 Mr. Peirce to Mr. Uhl June 13 Refusal of Russian consular officers to vise United States passports in favor of Jews. 1058
79 Mr. Olney to Mr. Peirce June 15 Arrest of John Ginzberg 1091
97 Mr. Breckinridge to Mr. Olney June 27 Permission to leave Russia to be obtained by petition. 1122
92 Mr. Adee to Mr. Peirce July 5 Refusal of Russian consular officers to visé United States passports m favor of Jews. 1059
97 Mr. Adee to Mr. Breckinridge July 19 do 1060
97 Mr. Adee to Mr. Breckinridge July 19 do 1060
Mr. Somow to Mr. Olney July 22 Commercial relations 1120
116 Mr. Breckinridge to Mr. Olney July 24 Refusal of Russian consular officers to vise United States passports in favor of Jews. 1061
10 Mr. Adee to Mr. Somow July 30 Commercial relations 1121
120 Mr. Breckinridge to Mr. Olney July 31 Permission to leave Russia to be obtained by petitions. 1122
Mr. Somow to Mr. Olney Aug. 7 Production of the fur seal 1114
Mr. Somow to Mr. Adee do do 1115
127 Mr. Breckinridge to Mr. Olney Aug. 15 Asylum for missionaries on Russian territory. 1075
107 Mr. Adee to Mr. Breckinridge Aug. 22 Refusal of Russian consular officers to vise United States passports in favor of Jews. 1067
130 Mr. Breckinridge to Mr. Olney do Arrest of john Ginzberg 1092
Mr. Breckinridge to Mr. Olney (telegram). Aug. 23 Asylum for missionaries on Russian territory. 1077
132 Mr. Breckinridge to Mr. Olney Aug. 24 do 1077
133 Mr. Breckinridge to Mr. Olney Aug. 28 Refusal of Russian consular officers to visé United States passports in favor of Jews. 1068
135 Mr. Breckinridge to Mr. Olney Aug. 29 Arrest of John Ginzberg 1096
Mr. Breckinridge to Mr. Olney (telegram). Sept. 17 Asylum for missionaries on Russian territory. 1080
140 Mr. Breckinridge to Mr. Olney do do 1080
144 Mr. Breckinridge to Mr. Olney Sept. 28 Arrest of Anton Yabikowski tor becoming a naturalized American citizen without permission of the Russian Government. 1096
148 Mr. Peirce to Mr. Olney 1895. Oct. 4 Refusal of Russian consular officers to visé United States passports in favor of Jews. 1070
151 Mr. Peirce to Mr. Olney Oct. 10 Arrest of Anton Yablkowski for becoming a naturalized American citizen without permission of the Russian Government. 1096
126 Mr. Olney to Mr. Breckinridge Oct. 12 do 1103
17 Mr. Olney to Prince Cantacuzène Oct. 15 Proterction of the fur seal 1115
157 Mr. Peirce to Mr. Olney Oct. 16 Arrest of Anton Yablkowski for becoming a naturalized American citizen without permission of the Russian Government. 1103
Prince Cantacuzène to Mr. Olney Oct. 18 Protection of the fur seal 1117
130 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Peirce Oct. 23 Refusal of Russian consular officers to vise United States passports in favor of Jews. 1070
161 Mr. Peirce to Mr. Olney Oct. 28 Arrest of Anton Yablkowski for becoming a naturalized American citizen without permission of the Russian Government. 1106
138 Mr. Olney to Mr. Peirce Nov. 4 do 1107
Mr. Somow to Mr. Olney Nov. 18 Protection of the fur seal 1117
Memorandum, Mr. Somow to Mr. Olney. Nov. 21 do 1118
25 Mr. Olney to Mr. Somow Nov. 22 do 1118
179 Mr. Breckinridge to Mr. Olney. Nov. 29 Arrest of Anton Yablkowski for becoming a naturalized American citizen without permission of the Russian Government. 1108
26 Mr. Olney to Mr. Somow Dec. 3 Protection of the fur seal 1118
181 Mr. Breckinridge to Mr. Olney Dec. 6 Refusal of Russian consular officers to visé United States passports in favor of Jews. 1071
190 Mr. Breckinridge to Mr. Olney. Dec. 21 Arrest of Anton Yablkowski for becoming a naturalized American citizen without the authority of the Russian Government. 1113
156 Mr. Olney to Mr. Breckinridge. Dec. 27 Refusal of Russian consular officers to visé United States passports in favor of Jews. 1074


[Page X]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Baron Saurma to Mr. Gresham 1895. Feb. 23 Correspondence with the German embassy at Washington. 1126
Baron Saurma to Mr. Gresham Feb. 26 do 1128
23 Mr. Gresham to Baron Saurma Mar. 5 do 1128
Baron Saurma to Mr. Gresham Mar. 9 do 1129
Baron Sanrmn, to Mr. Gresham Mar. 13 do 1130
Baron Saurma to Mr. Gresham Mar. 19 do 1130
Sir Julian Pauncefote to Mr. Gresham. Mar. 20 Correspondence with the British embassy at Washington. 1150
Memorandum from British ambassador. Mar. 26 do 1150
45 Mr. Gresham to Baron Saurma Apr. 18 Correspondence with the German embassy at Washington. 1134
81 Mr. Gresham to Sir Julian Pauncefote. do Correspondence with the British embassy at Washington. 1151
52 Mr. Gresham to Baron Saurma Apr. 24 Correspondence with the German embassy at Washington. 1135
86 Mr. Gresham to Sir Julian Pauncefote. do Correspondence with the British embassy at Washington. 1152
54 Mr. Gresham to Baron Saurma Apr. 25 Correspondence with the German embassy at Washington. 1136
55 Mr. Gresham to Baron Saurma do do 1137
87 Mr. Gresham to Sir Julian Pauncefote. Apr. 26 Correspondence with the British embassy at Washington. 1152
88 Mr. Gresham to Sir Julian Pauncefote. do do 1152
Baron von Ketteler to Mr. Gresham. May 13 Correspondence with the German embassy at Washington. 1138
Baron von Ketteler to Mr. Olney. May 14 do 1139
77 Mr. Olney to Baron von Ketteler. June 17 do 1141
Baron von Thielmann July 22 do 1141
Lord Gough to Mr. Olney July 24 Correspondence with the British embassy at Washington. 1153
13 Mr. Adee to Baron Von Thielmann. July 25 Correspondence with the German embassy at Washington. 1142
160 Mr. Adee to Lord Gough July 30 Correspondence with the British embassy at Washington. 1153
Baron Yon Thielmann to Mr. Olney. Aug. 11 Correspondence with the German embassy at Washington. 1142
Lord Gough to Mr. Adee Sept. 17 Correspondence with the British embassy at Washington. 1154
Baron Yon Thielmann to Mr. Olney. Sept. 19 Correspondence with the German embassy at Washington. 1143
160 Sir Julian Pauncefote to Mr. Olney. 1895. Sept. 27 Correspondence with the British embassy at Washington. 1155
Baron Von Thielmann to Mr. Olney. Sept. 30 Correspondence with the German embassy at Washington. 1144
53 Mr. Olney to Baron Yon Thielmann. Oct. 7 do 1144
215 Mr. Olney to Sir Julian Pauncefote, do Correspondence with the British embassy at Washington. 1155
Sir Julian Pauncefote to Mr. Olney. Oct. 30 do 1157
Baron Yon Thielmann to Mr. Olney. Oct. 31 Correspondence with the German embassy at Washington. 1146
63 Mr. Olney to Baron Yon Thielmann. Nov. 7 do 1147
242 Mr. Olney to Sir Julian Pauncefote. do Correspondence with the British embassy at Washington. 1158
65 Mr. Olney to Baron Yon Thielmann. Nov. 8 Correspondence with the German embassy at Washington. 1148
243 Mr. Olney to Sir Julian Pauncefote. do Correspondence with the British embassy at Washington. 1159
Baron Yon Ketteler to Mr. Olney. Dec. 2 Correspondence with the German embassy at Washington. 1148
75 Mr. Olney to Mr. Yon Ketteler. Dec. 6 do 1149
Sir Julian Pauncefote to Mr. Olney. Dec. 12 Correspondence with the British embassy at Washington. 1159


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No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
282 Mr. Taylor to Mr. Gresham 1895. Jan. 4 Claim of Antonio Maximo Mora 1160
Mr. Muruaga to Mr. Gresham Jan. 22 Enforcement of the neutrality laws of the United States. 1187
301 Mr. Taylor to Mr. Gresham Feb. 9 Commercial arrangement—Cuba and Puerto Rico. 1185
5 Mr. Gresham to Mr. Muruaga Feb. 12 Enforcement of the neutrality laws of the United States. 1187
Mr. Muruaga to Mr. Gresham Mar. 11 do 1188
Mr. Gresham to Mr. Taylor Mar. 14 Firing upon the United States mail steam-shin Alliança. 1177
Mr. Muruaga to Mr. Gresham Mar. 15 Enforcement of the neutrality laws of the United States. 1189
Mr. Taylor to Mr. Gresham Mar. 15 Firing upon the United States mail steamship Alliança. 1178
318 Mr. Taylor to Mr. Gresham Mar. 16 do 1178
Mr. Muruaga to Mr. Uhl Mar. 19 do 1179
Mr. Muruaga to Mr. Gresham Mar. 20 Enforcement of the neutrality laws of the United States. 1190
9 Mr. Gresham to Mr. Muruaga Mar. 21 do 1191
Mr. Taylor to Mr. Gresham (telegram). Mar. 25 Firing upon the United States mail steamship Allianca. 1179
Mr. Gresham to Mr. Taylor (telegram). do do 1180
Mr. Muruaga to Mr. Gresham Mar. 30 Enforcement of the neutrality laws of the United States 1191
10 Mr. Gresham to Mr. Muruaga Do do 1191
11 Mr. Gresham to Mr. Muruaga Apr. 1 do 1192
12 Mr. Gresham to Mr. Muruaga do do 1193
13 1 Mr. Gresham to Mr. Muruaga Apr. 3 Firing upon the United States mail steamship Alliança. 1180
Mr. Muruaga to Mr. Gresham Apr. 4 Enforcement of the neutrality laws of the United States. 1193
16 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Muruaga Apr. 6 do 1193
Mr. Taylor to Mr. Gresham (telegram). Apr. 11 Firing upon the United States mail steamship Alliança. 1180
336 Mr. Taylor to Mr. Gresham Apr. 13 do 1181
Mr. Gresham to Mr. Taylor (telegram). Apr. 16 do 1182
Mr. Taylor to Mr. Gresham (telegram). Apr. 19 do 1182
344 Mr. Taylor to Mr. Gresham Apr. 20 do 1182
Mr. Uhl to Mr. Taylor (telegram). May 4 do 1183
Mr. Uhl to Mr. Taylor (telegram). May 17 Arrest of Francisco Carrillo 1220
Mr. Uhl to Mr. Taylor (telegram). May 18 Firing upon the United States mail steam-shin Alliança. 1184
357 Mr. Tavlor to Mr. Gresham May 20 do 1184
Mr. Taylor to Mr. Gresham (telegram). do Arrest of Francisco Carrillo 1221
363 Mr. Taylor to Mr. Uhl May 31 do 1221
338 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Taylor 1895. June 5 Firing upon the United States mail steamship Alliança, 1185
341 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Taylor June 6 Claim of Antonio Maximo Mora 1162
Mr. Olney to Mr. Taylor (telegram). June 11 do 1163
17 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Muruaga Apr. 6 Enforcement of the neutrality laws of the United States. 1194
349 Mr. Olney to Mr. Taylor June 17 do 1194
350 Mr. Olney to Mr. Taylor June 18 Arrest of Francisco Carrillo 1222
Mr. Taylor to Mr. Olney (telegram). June 19 Claim of Antonio Maximo Mora 1164
377 Mr. Taylor to Mr. Olney June 20 do 1104
Mr. Olney to Mr. Dupuy de Lôme. June 22 do 1166
11 Mr. Olney to Mr. Dupuy de Lôme. June 24 do 1167
378 Mr. Taylor to Mr. Olney do Firing upon the United States mail steamship Alliança. 1185
Mr. Dupuy de Lôme to Mr. Olney. do Enforcement of the neutrality laws of the United States. 1195
Mr. Dupuy de Lôme to Mr. Olney. June 25 Claim of Antonio Maximo Mora 1167
13 1 Mr. Olney to Mr. Dupuy de Lôme. June 27 Enforcement of the neutrality laws of the United States. 1196
Mr. Dupuy de Lôme to Mr. Olney. June 29 do 1196
14 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Dupuy de Lôme. do do 1196
Mr. Uhl to Mr. Dupuy de Lôme. July 2 do 1197
Mr. Taylor to Mr. Olney (telegram). July 4 Claim of Antonio Maximo Mora 1167
17 Mr. Adee to Mr. Dupuy de Lôme July 5 Enforcement of the neutrality laws of the United States. 1197
363 Mr. Adee to Mr. Taylor do Protection of American property in Cuba 1214
Mr. Adee to Mr. Taylor (telegram). July 9 Claim of Antonio Maximo Mora 1168
364 Mr. Adee to Mr. Taylor do do 1168
Mr. Adee to Mr. Dupuy de Lôme July 10 do 1169
Mr. Dupuy de Lôme to Mr. Olney. July 13 do 1169
Mr. Taylor to Mr. Olney (telegram). July 16 do 1189
Mr. Dupuy de Lôme to Mr. Olney. July 17 do 1169
Order in council do do 1170
Mr. Taylor to Mr. Olney (telegram). do do 1170
Mr. Taylor to Mr. Olney (telegram). July 20 do 1171
Mr. Adee to Mr. Taylor (telegram). do do 1171
Memorandum Aug. 10 do 1171
Mr. Adee to Mr. Taylor (telegram). Aug. 12 do 1171
Mr. Dupuy de Lôme to Mr. Olney. Aug. 13 do 1172
Mr. Olney to Mr. Dupuy de Lôme. Aug. 19 do 1172
Mr. Olney to Mr. Dupuy de Lôme. Aug. 24 do 1172
Mr. Adee to Mr. Taylor (telegram). do do 1173
Mr. Dupuy de Lôme to Mr. Adee (telegram). Aug. 31 Enforcement of the neutrality laws of the United States. 1198
Mr. Adee to Mr. Dupuy de Lôme (telegram). do Do 1198
Mr. Adee to Mr. Taylor (telegram). Sept. 4 Claim of Antonio Maximo Mora 1173
Mr. Armstrong to Mr. Olney (telegram). Sept. 5 do 1173
27 Mr. Adee to Mr. Dupuy de Lôme. do Enforcement of the neutrality laws of the United States. 1198
Mr. Adee to Mr. Armstrong (telegram). Sept. 6 Claim of Antonio Maximo Mora 1173
Mr. Armstrong to Mr. Olney (telegram). Sept. 7 do 1174
Mr. Adee to Mr. Armstrong (telegram). do do 1174
Mr. Dupuy de Lôme to Mr. Adee. Sept. 8 Enforcement of the neutrality laws of the United States. 1198
Mr. Armstrong to Mr. Olney (telegram). Sept. 9 Claim of Antonio Maximo Mora 1174
Mr. Dupuy de Lôme to Mr. Adee. 1895. Sept. 9 Enforcement of the neutrality laws of the United States. 1199
Agreement Sept. 10 Claim of Antonio Maximo Mora 1174
Mr. Dupuy de Lôme to Mr. Olney. Sept. 13 do 1175
Acknowledgment of settlement of claim. Sept. 14 do 1176
Mr. Olney to Mr. Taylor (telegram. Sept. 17 do 1177
Mr. Dupuy de Lôme to Mr. Olney (telegram). do Enforcement of the neutrality laws of the United States. 1199
31 Mr. Olney to Mr. Dupuy de Lôme. Sept. 18 do 1199
32 Mr. Olney to Mr. Dupuy de Lôme. do do 1200
Mr. Dupuy de Lôme to Mr. Olney (telegram). Sept. 19 do 1200
Mr. Dupuy de Lôme to Mr. Olney. do do 1200
Mr. Armstrong to Mr. Olney Sent. 20 Claim of Antonio Maximo Mora 1177
33 Mr. Olney to Mr. Dupuy de Lôme. do Enforcement of the neutrality laws of the United States. 1201
34 Mr. Olney to Mr. Dupuy de Lôme. Sept. 21 do 1201
36 Mr. Olney to Mr. Dupuy de Lôme. Sept. 23 do 1202
Mr. Dupuy de Lôme to Mr. Olney. Sept. 25 do 1202
37 Mr. Olney to Mr. Dupuy de Lôme. Sept. 26 Right of consul-general to present remonstrances. 1209
408 Mr. Olney to Mr. Taylor do do 1211
39 Mr. Olney to Mr. Dupuy de Lôme. Sept. 27 Enforcement of the neutrality laws of the United States. 1202
38 Mr. Olney to Mr. Dupuy do Lôme. do Expulsion of John A. Sowers, Joseph A. Ansley, Aurelio A. Ansley, and Maria Luis Ansley from Cuba. 1229
41 Mr. Olney to Mr. Dupuy de Lôme. Oct. 1 Enforcement of the neutrality laws of the United States. 1203
Mr. Dupuy de Lôme to Mr. Olney. do Right of consul-general to present remonstrances. 1212
Mr. Dupuy de Lôme to Mr. Olney. Oct. 2 Expulsion of John A. Sowers, Joseph A. Ansley, Aurelio A. Ansley, and Maria Luis Ansley from Cuba. 1230
42 Mr. Olney to Mr. Dupuy de Lôme. Oct. 5 do 1231
Mr. Dupuy de Lôme to Mr. Olney (telegram). Oct. 7 Enforcement of the neutrality laws of the United States. 1203
Dr. Gaytan to Mr. Adee Oct. 8 do 1203
43 Mr. Olney to Mr. Dupuy de Lôme. do do 1204
45 Mr. Olney to Mr. Dupuy de Lôme. Oct. 11 do 1204
44 Mr. Olney to Mr. Dupuy de Lôme. do Rignt of consul-general to present remonstrances. 1213
46 Mr. Olney to Mr. Dupuy de Lôme. Oct. 12 Enforcement of the neutrality laws of the United States. 1204
47 Mr. Olney to Mr. Dupuy de Lôme. do do 1205
Mr. Taylor to Mr. Olney (telegram). Oct. 21 Right of consul-general to present remonstrances. 1214
419 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Taylor Oct. 23 do 1214
Mr. Dupuy de Lôme to Mr. Olney. Nov. 14 Enforcement of the neutrality laws of the United States. 1205
Mr. Dupuy de Lôme to Mr. Olney. Nov. 23 do 1206
Mr. Dupuy de Lôme to Mr. Olney. Nov. 28 do 1206
Mr. Dupuy de Lôme to Mr. Olney. Dec. 7 do 1207
Mr. Olney to Mr. Dupuy de Lôme. Dec. 12 Destruction of American property m Cuba 1216
Mr. Olney to Mr. Dupuy de Lôme. Dec. 28 do 1218
Mr. Dupuy de Lôme to Mr. Olney. Dec. 31 do 1218
63 Mr. Olney to Mr. Dupuy de Lôme. 1896. Jan. 2 do 1219
Mr. Dupuy de Lôme to Mr. Olney. Jan. 3 do 1219
65 Mr. Olney to Mr. Dupuy de Lôme. 1896. Jan. 7 Destruction of American property in Cuba. 1220
70 Mr. Olney to Mr. Dupuy de Lôme. Jan. 22 do 1220
Mr. Olney to Mr. Dupuy de Lôme. Jan. 26 Enforcement of the neutrality laws of the United States. 1209
Mr. Olney to Mr. Dupuy de Lôme. do do 1209


[Page XIV] [Page XV] [Page XVI] [Page XVII]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
296 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Terrell 1894. Dec. 29 1895. Irade for American college for girls at Scutari. 1232
376 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Gresham Jan. 7 Violation of the domiciliary rights of Rev. L. O. Lee. 1252
386 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Gresham Jan. 10 do 1253
396 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Gresham Jan. 16 Irade for American college for girls at Scutari. 1232
319 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Terrell Jan. 22 do 1232
328 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Terrell Jan. 26 Violation of the domiciliary rights of Rev. L. O. Lee. 1254
340 Mr. Gresham to Mr. Terrell Jan. 31 do 1254
Mr. Gresham to Mr. Terrell (telegram). Feb. 11 Protection to American missionaries 1237
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Gresham (telegram). Feb. 23 do 1237
451 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Gresham Mar. 2 do 1238
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Gresham (telegram). Mar. 13 do 1238
460 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Gresham do 4 1238
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Gresham (telegram). Mar. 14 do 1240
462 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Gresham Mar. 15 do 1240
479 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney Mar. 29 Murder of Mr. Stupe 1292
402 Mr. Gresham to Mr. Terrell Mar. 30 Production to American missionaries 1241
Mr. Gresham to Mr. Terrell (telegram). Apr. 2. Irade for Marsovan College 1236
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Gresham (telegram). Apr. 4 do 1236
409 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Terrell do Protection to American missionaries 1242
Mavroyeni Bey to Mr. Gresham Apr. 5 Visit of United States naval vessels to Turkish waters. 1248
9 Mr. Gresham to Mavroyeni Bey do do 1248
Mavroyeni Bey to Mr. Gresham Apr. 6 do 1249
Mavroyeni Bey to Mr. Gresham Apr. 7 do 1249
Mr. Uhl to Mr. Terrell (telegram). Apr. 8 Protection to American missionaries 1242
414 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Terrell do do 1242
10 Mr. Uhl to Mavroyeni Bey do Visit of United States naval vessels to Turkish waters. 1250
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Gresham (telegram). Apr. 14 Protection to American missionaries 1243
501 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Gresham Apr. 15 do 1243
435 Mr. Gresham to Mr. Terrell Apr. 19 Murder of Mr. Stupe 1293
511 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Gresham Apr. 21 Protection to American missionaries 1244
512 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Gresham do do 1244
526 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Gresham Apr. 27 Irade for American college for girls at Scutari. 1233
Mavroyeni Bey to Mr. Gresham Apr. 30 Visit of United States naval vessels to Turkish waters. 1250
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Gresham (telegram). May 2 Irade for Mar so van College 1236
530 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Gresham May 3 Death in prison of George Webber 1266
529 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Gresham do Murder of Mr. Stupe 1294
537 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Gresham May 5 do 1295
546 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Gresham May 8 Death in prision of George Webber 1267
461 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Terrell May 10 Irade for Marsovan College 1236
471 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Terrell May 16 Protection to American missionaries 1244
476 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Terrell May 18 do 1245
Mr. Uhl to Mr. Terrell (telegram). May 20 Death in prison of George Webber 1268
486 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Terrell May 27 do 1268
17 Mr. Uhl to Mavroyeni Bey June 6 Visit of United States naval vessels to Turkish waters. 1251
Mavroven Bey to Mr. Olney June 8 do 1252
552 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Uhl June 11 Death in prison of George Webber 1269
Mavroveni Bey to Mr. Olney June 12 Irade for American college for girls at Scutari. 1234
21 Mr. Olney to Mavroyeni Bey June 27 do 1234
Mavroyeni Bey to Mr. Olney 1895. June 29 Irade for American college for girls at Scutari. 1234
522 Mr. Adee to Mr. Terrell July 5 Death in prison of George Webber 1270
568 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney July 10 Irade for American college for girls at Scutari 1235
574 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney July 19 Imprisonment of Creecor or Krekor Arakelian. 1295
585 Mr. Terrel to Mr. Olney Aug. 4 do 1296
588 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney Aug. 7 Attack on the premises of Dr. Christie at; Tarsus. 1271
556 Mr. Adee to Mr. Terrell Aug. 13 do 1272
592 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1273
Mavroyeni Bey to Mr. Olney Aug. 17 do 1275
Mavroveni Bey to Mr. Olney Aug. 18 do 1275
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). Aug. 21 Imprisonment of Creecor or Krekor Arakelian. 1298
31 Mr. Adee to Mavroyeni Bey Aug. 22 Attack on the premises of Dr. Christie at; Tarsus. 1275
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). Aug. 26 do 1276
603 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do Murder of Mr. Stupe 1295
577 Mr. Adee to Mr. Terrell Aug. 27 Attack on the premises of Dr. Christie at Tarsus. 1276
605 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney Aug. 28 do 1276
615 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney Sept. 5 do 1277
586 Mr. Adee to Mr. Terrell Sept. 6 do 1281
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). do Arrest of Mardiros Mooradian 1300
617 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1301
Mavroyeni Bey to Mr. Olney Sept. 9 Irade for American college for girls at Scutari. 1235
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). do Arrest of Mardiros Mooradian 1301
619 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1301
Mr. Adee to Mr. Terrell (telegram). Sept. 10 do 1303
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram.) Sept. 12 do 1303
Mavroyeni Bey to Mr. Olney Sept. 13 Attack on the premises of Dr. Christie at Tarsus. 1282
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney Sept. 15 Imprisonment of Creecor or Krekor Arakelian. 1298
33 Mr. Olney to Mavroyeni Bey Sept. 17 Attack on the premises of Dr. Christie at Tarsus. 1283
626 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney Sept. 18 do 1283
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). Sept. 19 do 1283
34 Mr. Olney to Mavroyeni Bey Sept. 21 do 1284
607 Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell do Arrest of Mardiros Mooradian 1303
610 Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell do Attack on the premises of Dr. Christie at Tarsus. 1284
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). Sept. 23 Arrest of Melcoun Guedjian 1304
630 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney Sept. 24 do 1304
Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell (telegram). Sept. 26 do 1308
Mr. Terrell to Turkhan Pasha Sept. 28 do 1308
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). Oct. 2 Riots and protection of Americans 1318
634 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney Oct. 3 Irade for American college for girls at Scutari 1235
635 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney Do Riots and protection of Americans 1318
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). Oct. 4 do 1320
625 Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell Oct. 8 Arrest of Madiros Moordian 1303
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). do Riots and protection of Americans 1320
638 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1320
639 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1321
Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell (telegram). Oct. 9 do 1323
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). Oct. 10 do 1323
Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell (telegram). Oct. 11 do 1323
Mavroveni Bev to Mr. Olney Oct. 12 do
Mavroyeni Bey to Mr. Olney Oct. 14 Attack on the premises of Dr. Christie at Tarsus. 1285
632 Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell do Arrest of Melcoun Guedjian 1309
644 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do Imprisonment of Creecor or Kreker Arakelian. 1298
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do Arrest of Melcoun Guedjian 1309
40 Mr. Olney to Mavroyeni Bey Oct. 15 Riots and protection of Americans 1324
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). 1894. Oct. 16 Riots and protection of Americans 1325
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). Oct. 18 do 1325
650 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney Oct. 22 do 1325
43 Mr. Uhl to Mavroyeni Bey Oct. 23 Attack on the premises of Dr. Christie at Tarsus. 1286
651 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney Oct. 24 Riots and protection of Americans 1325
652 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do Arrest of Melcoun Guedjian 1310
646 Mr. Olney to Mr. Terreil Oct. 26 Attack on the premises of Dr. Christie at Tarsus. 1287
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). do Riots and protection of Americans 1328
653 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney Oct. 27 do 1329
654 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney Oct. 28 Arrest of Melcoun Guedjian 1311
655 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney Oct. 29 Riots and protection or Americans 1330
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). Oct. 30 Arrest of Melcoun Guedjian 1314
656 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do Riots and protection or Americans 1331
657 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do Arrest of Melcoun Guedjian 1314
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). Riots and protection of Americans 1332
Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell (telegram). Oct. 31 Arrest of Melcoun Guedjian 1315
Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell (telegram). do Riots and protection of Americans 1332
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). do do 1332
659 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney Do do 1332
Mavroyeni Bey to Mr. Olney Nov. 1 do 1334
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). Nov. 2 do 1334
650 Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell do do 1334
660 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney Nov. 3 Arrest of Melcoun Guedjian 1315
45 I Mr. Olney to Mavroveni Bey Nov. 5 Riots and protection of Americans 1335
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). Nov. 7 do 1335
664 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney Nov. 8 Attack on the premises of Dr. Christie at Tarsus. 1288
Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell (telegram). do Riots and protection of Americans 1336
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). Nov. 9 do 1336
Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell (telegram). Nov. 11 do 1336
667 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1336
669 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney Nov. 12 Imprisonment of Creecor or Krekor Arakelian. 1299
663 Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell do Arrest of Melcoun Guedjian 1317
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). do Riots and protection of Americans 1337
670 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1337
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). Nov. 13 do 1339
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). do do 1339
674 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney Nov. 14 do 1337
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney Nov. 15 do 1339
Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell (telegram) do do 1340
Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell (telegram). do do 1340
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). Nov. 16 do 1341
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). Nov. 17 do 1341
Mavroyeni Bey to Mr. Olney do do 1341
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). Nov. 18 do 1341
Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell (telegram). do do 1342
680 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1342
667 Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell Nov. 19 do 1343
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). do do 1344
52 Mr. Olney to Mavroyeni Bey Nov. 21 do 1344
685 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1344
674 Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell Nov. 22 Arrest of Melcoun Guedjian 1317
675 Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell do Riots and protection of Americans 1345
Mavroyeni Bey to Mr. Olney 1895. Nov. 22 Riots and protection of Americans 1346
686 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1346
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). Nov. 23 do 1348
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). Nov. 24 do 1349
Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell (telegram). Nov. 25 do 1349
677 Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell do do 1349
679 Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell Nov. 26 do 1351
680 Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell do Attack on the premises of Dr. Christie at Tarsus. 1290
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). do Riots and protection of Americans 1351
691 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1351
Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell (telegram). Nov. 27 Arrest of Melcoun Guedjian 1317
684 Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell do Riots and protection of Americans 1352
685 Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell do do 1355
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). do do 1356
695 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney Nov. 28 do 1356
697 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney Nov. 29 do 1358
698 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney Nov. 30 Do 1359
Admiral Selfridge to the vali of Aleppo. do do 1386
Mavroyeni Bev to Mr. Olney Dec. 2 do 1360
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). Dec. 3 Arrest of Melcoun Guedjian 1317
55 Mr. Olney to Mavroyeni Bey do Riots and protection of Americans 1360
700 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1360
701 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do Do 1361
703 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1366
695 Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell Dec. 4 do 1363
698 Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell do Attack on the premises of Dr. Christie at Tarsus. 1290
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). do Riots and protection of Americans 1365
702 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1365
704 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1368
705 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1370
708 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1379
Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell (telegram). Dec. 5 do 1380
709 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1380
710 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1380
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). Dec. 6 do 1382
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1383
713 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney Dec. 10 do 1384
714 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do 1384
716 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney Dec. 10 do 1385
717 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney Dec. 11 do 1387
719 1 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney Dec. 12 do 1387
720 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1390
Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell (telegram). Dec. 13 do 1391
Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell (telegram). do do 1391
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). Dec. 15 do 1391
722 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1392
723 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1395
Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell (telegram). Dec. 16 do 1397
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). do do 1397
724 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1398
725 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1400
721 Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell Dec. 17 do 1402
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). do do 1403
728 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1403
729 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1403
Mavroyeni Bey to Mr. Olney do do 1405
730 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney Dec. 18 do 1405
President’s message Dec. 19 Condition of affairs in Asiatic Turkey 1255
Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell (telegram.) do Riots and protection of Americans 1407
731 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1408
732 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1408
733 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney 1895. Dec. 19 Riots and protection of Americans 1410
737 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1410
Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell (telegram). Dec. 21 do 1413
Mavroyeni Bev to Mr. Oiney do do 1413
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). Dec. 22 do 1416
61 Mr. Olney to Mavroyeni Bey Dec. 26 do 1417
735 Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell do do 1417
Mavroyeni Bey to Mr. Olney Dec. 27 do 1418
739 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1420
740 Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell do do 1422
740 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney Dec. 29 do 1422
741 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1423
742 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1427
743 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1434
62 Mr. Olney to Mavroyeni Bev Dec. 30 do 1437
749 Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell do do 1438
President’s message do Refusal to issue exequaturs to United States vice-consuls at Erzeroom and Harpoot. 1470
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram.) Dec. 31 Riots and protection of Americans 1438
751 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney 1896. Jan. 1 do 1438
Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell (telegram) Jan. 2 do 1438
751 I Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell do do 1439
755 Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell do do 1439
Mr. Olney to Mr. Herbert do do 1440
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). do do 1441
755 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1442
Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney (telegram). Jan. 3 do 1443
756 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney Jan. 4 do 1444
762 Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell do do 1446
758 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney Jan. 6 do 1445
757 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1446
761 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1447
Mavroyeni Bey to Mr. Olney Jan 8 do 1449
776 Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell Jan. 10 do 1449
764 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1452
66 Mr. Olney to Mavroyeni Bey Jan. 14 do 1455
783 Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell Do do 1455
Mr. Herbert to Mr. Olney do do 1459
790 Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell Jan. 15 do 1459
772 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1459
Mavroveni Bev to Mr. Olney Jan. 16 do 1461
794 Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell do do 1461
804 Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell Jan. 20 do 1463
773 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1463
806 Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell do do 1464
774 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1465
810 Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell Jan. 21 do 1466
812 Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell do do 1467
779 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney Jan. 23 do 1467
President’s message do Treatment of American citizens of Armenian origin. 1471
782 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney Jan. 25 Riots and protection of Americans 1467
Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell (telegram). Jan. 28 do 1468
Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell (telegram). Jan. 29 do 1469
790 Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney do do 1469


[Page XVIII]
Mr. Rojas to Mr. Andrade 1895 Mar. 7 Rupture of relations between Venezuela and France and Belgium. 1474
Mr. Andrade to Mr. Gresham Mar. 12 Protection of Venezuelan interests in France. 1474
3 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Andrade do do 1474
Mr. Rojas to Mr. Andrade Mar. 29 Venezuela-Guiana boundary controversy 1480
Mr. Gresham to the minister of foreign affairs of Venezuela. Apr. 15 do 1481
Mr. Pulido to Mr. Andrade Apr. 17 do 1482
Mr. Pulido to Mr. Andrade Apr. 18 do 1483
Mr. Andrade to the Secretary of State. Apr. 22 do 1484
6 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Andrade 1895. Apr. 26 Venezuela-Guiana boundary controversy 1485
Mr. Andrade to Mr. Gresham May 11 Rupture of relations between Venezuela and France and Belgium. 1476
8 May 25 Venezuela-Guiana boundary controversy 1485
10 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Andrade June 5 Rupture of relations between Venezuela and France and Belgium. 1478
13 Mr. Olney to Mr. Andrade June 20 do 1479
15 Mr. Uhl to Mr. Andrade July 3 do 1479
Mr. Pulido to Mr. Andrade July 10 Venezuela-Guiana boundary controversy 1486
Mr. Andrade Mr. Olney Aug. 12 Rupture of relations between Venezuela and France and Belgium. 1480
Mr. Andrade to Mr. Olney Oct. 21 Venezuela-Guiana boundary controversy 1487
Mr. Palacio to Mr. Andrade Nov. 5 1896. do 1488
31 Mr. Olney to Mr. Andrade Jan. 18 do 1489
Mr. Andrade to Mr. Olney Feb. 1 do 1489
Mr. Rojas to Mr. Olney Feb. 5 do 1490