Mr. Uhl to Mr. Andrade.
Washington, June 5, 1895.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the two notes which you addressed to this Department on the respective dates of March 7 and May 11 of the present year, touching the differences between your country and France and Belgium, arising from the dismissal from Venezuela of the diplomatic representatives of those States.
In your note of May 11 you transmit documents in the case, and communicate the desire of your Government that the ambassador of the United States at Paris be authorized to invite, in all proper ways, the reestablishment of relations between France and Venezuela.
The President has been pleased to direct that Mr. Eustis, our ambassador there, will accede to this request, taking an early occasion to state to the French Government, through its minister for foreign affairs, the great pleasure it would afford the Government of the United States to see such restoration of necessary and friendly intercourse between the two countries, and its readiness to bring about so desirable a result.
Your note further suggests that as Belgium has not, in terms, broken off diplomatic relations in response to the action of Venezuela, the good [Page 1479] offices solicited of our ambassador in Paris could be limited on this point to expressing to the Belgian representative there the gratification with which Venezuela would receive a new minister from Belgium, and the interest that Republic feels in strengthening and making permanent the cordial ties that unite the two peoples.
It has been thought more prudent that this intimation should be conveyed to the Belgian Government through the United States minister at Brussels, and he has been instructed to make known to it the wish of your Government in this regard.
Accept, etc.,
Acting Secretary.