Mavroyeni Bey to
Mr. Gresham.
Imperial Legation of Turkey,
Washington, April 6,
Mr. Secretary of State: I have the honor to
confirm my note dated yesterday touching the order issued to two
American war vessels to proceed to Turkish waters, and to inform your
excellency that I have not failed to telegraph to the Imperial
Government the statement made to me by your excellency in the afternoon,
to wit, that the said order was in no wise hostile to the Sublime Porte,
and it being the same as that frequently issued by European Governments
to their own war ships, it left no doubt for misinterpretation.
I infer from the foregoing that the newspaper rumors set forth in the
extract sent you with my note of yesterday, as well as in the extract
herewith, are without foundation and do not represent the sentiment and
intentions of the American Government.
Be pleased to accept, etc.,
A massacre threatened—United States war vessels
ordered to Turkish waters immediately.
Secretary Herbert has cabled orders to Admiral Kirkland, of the
flaghship San Francisco, now at Palermo,
Sicily, to sail immediately for Smyrna, Asia Minor, and to have both
vessels of his squadron visit Alexandretta and Adana to confer with
the United States consuls and resident American citizens, and if it
is found that there are good grounds for the apprehensions expressed
in those vicinities concerning a probable massacre of Christians, to
intimate clearly to the responsible local authorities that the
United States intends to afford full protection to American citizens
in that territory under its treaty guarantees.
A cablegram has also been sent to Captain O’Neil, of the cruiser Marblehead, at Gibraltar, ordering him to
proceed with dispatch to Beirut, Syria, and there report to the
admiral. The San Francisco and Marblehead have both been coaled in the past
few days, and as their commanders received the urgent orders
yesterday morning, it is expected they will get under way
immediately. The San Francisco, with her
speed of 21 knots, should cover the 800 miles to her destination in
less than two days, and the Marblehead,
having frequently maintained 17 knots, should run the entire length
of the Mediterranean in four days, at the rate of 400 miles per day.
This display of force in Turkish waters by the United States is
declared at the State Department to be due to the unsatisfactory
delays that result from diplomatic negotiations at Constantinople.
Although instructions have been sent to Minister Terrell to warn the
Sultan of the fears of American missionaries in Smyrna and to demand
that the Turkish Government shall take steps to prevent outrages, it
has been deemed advisable, in view of past experience, to make
assurance for the protection of Americans doubly sure.