Mavroyeni Bey to Mr. Gresham.
Washington, April 7, 1895.
Mr. Secretary of State: The American newspapers continue to assert that it has been decided to send two war ships into Turkish waters in consequence of reports which Mr. Terrell is said to have made to the effect that Christians are not safe in Turkey, and also in consequence of communications, said to be still more alarming, which, it is alleged, have [Page 1250] been written by American missionaries living in Ottoman territory. As these statements tend to discredit the legitimate authority of the Imperial Government, I beg your excellency, basing my action upon the friendly relations which unite the two Governments, to be pleased to inform me whether it is true, as is publicly asserted, that the American naval authorities have been instructed to confer with your diplomatic and consular authorities with a view to the examination of certain matters which come within the exclusive province of the latter.
The Sublime Porte has always given evidence of its friendship and consideration for the United States Government; I therefore trust that your excellency will be pleased to deny a report which has, unfortunately, already been interpreted by a number of newspapers and by certain American missionaries, as well as by all the Armenian revolutionists, as an act unfavorable to Turkey.
Be pleased to accept, etc.,