Lord Gough to Mr. Olney.
Newport, R. I., July 24, 1895.
Sir: The late Secretary of State, in a note addressed by him on April 18 last to Her Majesty’s ambassador on the subject of the importation and sale of arms and ammunition into the Navigators Islands, stated that he did not feel authorized to issue to the consul-general of the United States at Apia such regulations as were proposed in the ordinance prepared by the chief justice and the president of the municipal council of Samoa, those regulations being designed to restrain the sale of arms and ammunition in Samoan territory outside the limits of the municipal district.
Mr. Gresham added, however, that he would have no objection in advising the consul-general of the United States, in eases where American citizens were charged with violating the prohibitions of the general act of Berlin in respect to the importation and sale of arms and ammunition, to impose on guilty parties the punishments contemplated by Article YI of the proposed ordinance. In pursuance of instructions from Her Majesty’s principal secretary of state for foreign affairs, I have now the honor to inform you that Her Majesty’s Government regret that it has not been possible to secure the cooperation of the United States Government in the manner originally proposed, by which a complete settlement of a question of the highest importance for the peace and quiet of Samoa would, it is believed, have been effected, but they concur with the Imperial German Government in accepting with thanks the above-mentioned offer made by the late Secretary of State on the part of the Government of the United States.
I am further instructed to express the hope of Her Majesty’s Government that the necessary instructions will at once be sent to the United States consul-general at Apia, and I should be greatly obliged if you will do me the favor of informing me when those instructions have been sent, in order that I may report it to Her Majesty’s Government.
I have, etc.,