Mr. Uhl to Mr. Young.
Washington, May 15, 1895.
Sir: I have received your No. 161, of February 21, 1895, in relation to the cases of W. H. Argall, Henry Thomas, and Robert Pardee, American citizens in prison at Guatemala City.
[Page 774]Shortly after the receipt of your dispatch Mr. Gresham orally called the matter to the attention of the Guatemalan minister, and referred particularly to the fact that Mr. Argall, while so imprisoned, was scourged with a rawhide whip. Mr. Lazo Arriaga then promised to communicate with his Government and to inform us of the result.
No reply having been received from that gentleman, I addressed him a note upon the subject on the 11th instant,1 a copy of which I inclose for your information.
The minister replied on the 12th instant, stating that he had promptly requested his Government to furnish him with the necessary information, and that he had been advised that it intended doing so at an early date.
You will ascertain and report such additional facts in relation to the case of these American citizens as you may be able to obtain.
I am, etc.,