Mr. Young to Mr. Gresham.
Guatemala and Honduras,
Guatemala, May 25, 1895. (Received June 24.)
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that on the 24th day of this month I settled with the Guatemalan Government for the claim of Argall, Pardee, and Thomas, the Government agreeing to pay Argall $1,000, Thomas $100, and Pardee $100, in all $1,200, in Guatemalan currency. Under the circumstances this seems to be a tolerably fair settlement for the damages done, and it is fully satisfactory to all the parties interested. There seems to be a difference in the statements of Argall and the authorities of Guatemala as to the facts concerning the castigation of Argall, the Guatemalan authorities alleging and agreeing to furnish proof that Argall had struck the subothcer who gave him the blows with the lash, and Argall declaring under oath that he did not strike him, his evidence being confirmed by the two negroes, Pardee and Thomas. The imprisonment lasted only twelve days, and under all the circumstances, the parties being entirely satisfied, I thought it best to settle the matter finally, which I have done, and which, I hope, will meet the approval of the Department.
I herewith inclose copies of the receipts of the claimants, the originals of which are in the possession of the Guatemalan Government.
I am, etc.,