Mr. Uhl to Mr. Lazo Arriaga.
Washington, May 11, 1895.
Sir: You will doubtless recall a conversation had by you with the Secretary of State toward the end of March or about the 1st of April last, in which Mr. Gresham spoke of the complaint of three American citizens, named Argall, Pardee, and Thomas, by reason of their imprisonment in the penitentiary of Guatemala City, and referred in particular to the allegation by Mr. Argall that while in prison he was scourged with a rawhide whip. You then offered to communicate with the Guatemalan minister for foreign affairs on the subject and to inform the Secretary of State of the result.
I have the honor to request to be informed whether you have yet received the promised details, and are in a position to communicate the intentions of your Government in regard to this alleged unlawful treatment of American citizens by the authorities of Guatemala.
Accept, etc.,