Mr. Secretary of
State (foreign relations),
Sir: I have the honor to
communicate to yon that on the 11th of the present month the
president of the supreme court of justice directed tome the
following dispatch:
“Acting upon your esteemed dispatch of the 7th of December
last, relative to the complaint made by the American
citizens W. H, Argall, Henry Thomas, and Robert
[Page 773]
information was asked for from the third judge of the lower
court of this department, who answered in the following
“‘Mr. President: In compliance with
the original judicial sentence, I have the honor to inform
you that on the 25th of August last the jefe político and
governor gave notice to this court that Mr. Humberts
Vandeputte, Henry Argall, Albert Padillo, Henry Thomas, John
de Leon, Abraham Satoj, Gerald Cornado, Dolores Cerrado, Max
Diaz, Benito Escoba, and Pioginto Setaj were destroying some
buildings belonging to the National Lime Kiln, situated on
the road which leads from this city to Chinantla.
“‘Having the charge against them just, they were sent to
prison the 28th of the same month. On the same day they were
notified of-the decision before indicated, and as they
appealed the same, the sentence was sent to the second hall
of the court of appeals the 30th, the day appointed for the
hearing of the case in reference.
“‘From the above it is to be inferred that the prisoners were
notified of the sentence by which they were sent to prison
and of further providences; moreover, as the case of
Vandeputte reached the court of appeals, that tribunal
confirmed the sentence dictated by this court only with
respect to Vandeputte (certification of folios, 61). Both
the formal sentence of imprisonment and that of liberty of
the companions of Vandeputte were communicated to the
director of the penitentiary and the depository of the civil
register. Vandeputte was let out on bail since the 5th of
September, 1894. At the present time the lawsuit is found
“‘S. P. J., Guatemala, 12th of December, 1894.
“‘José M. Escoba.’
“And in having the honor to transcribe to you the preceding
information, with distinguished consideration and
“I am, yours, most truly,
“Antonio Batres.’
It is grateful for me to repeat myself,
Yours, most truly,
Manuel Estade.
And upon transcribing this to your excellency T have the honor to
refer to your dispatch of the 30th of November last. Accept, your
excellency, the protestations of my high esteem.