Mr. Adee to Mr. Pringle.

No. 186.]

Sir: Referring to previous correspondence concerning the murder of Mr. C. W. Renton, I have to inform you that his son-in-law, Mr. James Donnelly, presented himself at the Department this morning, having letters of administration from a court in favor of his wife Charlotte Renton Donnelly, and himself as heirs at law of Mr. Renton, and announced his purpose of proceeding to Honduras, at the suggestion, it would seem, of President Bonilla, for the purpose of endeavoring to take the necessary care of the estate of the murdered man.

I explained to Mr. Donnelly that so far as the action of the Government of Honduras for the punishment of the murderers was concerned, [Page 920] full instructions had been given to General Young, who is to visit Tegucigalpa on his return to his post and make urgent representation of the case to the Honduranean Government, and that as the matter was thus placed in the legitimate channels, it was expected and desirable that he (Mr. Donnelly) should confine his efforts to the business questions arising in connection with the settlement of the estate and not undertake any independent representations touching the course of the authorities of Honduras toward the murderers.

Mr. Donnelly has been given a letter of introduction to the diplomatic and consular officers.

I am, etc.,

Alvey A. Adee,
Acting Secretary.