Mr. Pringle to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Guatemala and
Guatemala, July 2, 1895.
(Received July 18.)
No. 191.]
Sir: Referring to my No. 189, of June 25, I now
inclose copy of telegram, with translation, received from the minister
of foreign affairs of Honduras.
I am, etc.,
D. Lynch Pringle,
Chargé d’Affaires ad interim.
[Inclosure in No.
Mr. Bonilla to
Mr. Young.
Tegucigalpa, June 25, 1895.
Referring to my previous telegram, I have the honor to transmit to
your excellency the communication which the governor and commandant
of the port of Iriona sent me, which refers to the investigation of
the case of the assassination of Mr. Renton, which says:
Iriona, June 12, 1895.
Mr. Minister of Foreign
Respecting the Renton case, Mr. J. Grover Ward, W. Wohur, and
Sorl have been captured. I have ordered them in prison.
Other participants in the assassination are absent,
Kelteland Sandhamen on the right bank of the River Wanqui,
Fernando Eude in Bluefields, Eduardo Eude in the United
States, and Johnson in Belize.
Some of the eyewitnesses are in Bluefields and other places.
Some cattle and real-estate have been seized. The inquest in
the case will soon terminate.
I will soon send you more testimony and some information
relative thereto.
I am,
L. Y. De Rios.
I am, etc.,