No. 28.
Mr. John
H. Soper to Mr. Blount.
Headquarters of the Volunteer Forges of the
Provisional Government of the Hawaiian
Honolulu, June 20,
His Excellency; James H.
United States
Sir: I beg to transmit herewith
memorandum of arms and ammunition, as per your request.
I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant,
Jno. H. Soper,
Colonel, Commanding National Guard of
Memorandum of arms and ammunition in
hands of Provisional Government January 17,
- 18 Winchester repeating rifles from Castle &
- 24 revolvers from Castle & Cooke.
- 2 Winchester carbines from E. O. Hall &
- 7 Winchester repeating rifles from E. O. Hall &
- 5 Maxim repeating rifles from E. O. Hall &
- 13,350 45–70 cartridges from E. O. Hall &
- 2,750 45–70 cartridges from E. O. Hall &
- 3,690 45–70 cartridges from sundry persons.
- 6 Springfield rifles from F. Wundenberg.
- 150 rifles, “private property,” in the hands of forces
most of whom came supplied with ammunition.
- 9 Springfield rifles from various parties.
- 3 Winchester rifles from J. T. Water-house.
- 1 Winchester rifle from J. Marsden.
- 1 Winchester rifle from H. Juen.
- 1 Winchester rifle from Dr. Whitney.
- 8 brass field pieces, 8 centimeters.
- 4 brass mountain pieces, 7 centimeters.
- 1 Gatling gun.
- 20 cases, 8 centimeters, 120 shells.
- 11 cases, 7 centimeters, 66 shells.
- 2 cases, 8 centimeters, 10 shells.
- 5 cases, 7 centimeters, 54 shells.
- 21 grapeshot.
- 90 Springfield rifles.
- 4 Springfield rifles, damaged.
- 100 Winchester military rifles without rear sights,
and most of them otherwise damaged. These guns were
discarded in 1887.
- 14,950 45–70 cartridges.
- 120 40–60 cartridges.
- 73 Springfield rifles.
- 96 Winchester military rifles—all but 27 lacking rear
sights and majority out of repair.
- 1 Hotchkiss rifle.
- 3 Remington rifles.
- 1 Gatling gun.
- 7 Remington carbines rim fire.
- 12 muskets, muzzle loaders.
- 52 bayonets.
- 16 revolvers.
- 2 swords.
- 1 set single sticks.
- 1 set wooden ramrods.
- 10 canister for 8-centimeter guns.
- 54 shell for 8-centimeter guns.
- 1 keg powder.
- 10,340 45–75 cartridges, 500-grain bullet.
- 3,500 45–70 cartridges, 500-grain bullet.
- 4,120 45–70 cartridges, 405-grain bullet.
- 280 45–90 cartridges, 300-grain bullet.
- 640 45–60 cartridges, 300-grain bullet.
- 960 Remington cartridges.
- 240 45–75 cartridges, 350-grain bullet.
- 6,330 45–75 cartridges, 405-grain bullet.
- 4,600 44–40 cartriges, 217-grain bullet.
- 1,800 buckshot.