Foreign Relations of the United States, 1894, Appendix II, Affairs in Hawaii
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1894, Appendix II, Affairs in Hawaii
United States Government Printing Office
- Senate Ex. Doc. No. 45, Fifty-second Congress, second session (Document 1)
- Senate Ex. Doc. No. 77, Fifty-second Congress, second session (Documents 2–70)
- Message from the President of the United States, transmitting
Correspondence respecting relations between the United
States and the Hawaiian Islands from September, 1820, to January,
1893. (Document 2)
- Report upon the official relations of the United States with the Hawaiian
Islands from the first appointment of a consular officer there by this
government. (Document 2a)
- Appendix. (Documents 3–70)
- List of accompanying papers. (Documents 24–37)
- List of accompanying papers. (Documents 38–70)
- List of accompanying papers. (Documents 24–37)
- Message from the President of the United States, transmitting
Correspondence respecting relations between the United
States and the Hawaiian Islands from September, 1820, to January,
1893. (Document 2)
- Senate Ex. Doc. No. 76, Fifty-second Congress, second session (Documents 71–92)
- House Ex. Doc. No. 48, Fifty-third Congress, second session (Documents 93–244)
- Message from the President of the United States, transmitting A report of the Secretary of State, with copies of the
instructions given to Mr. Albert S. Willis, the representative of the
United States now in the Hawaiian Islands, and also the correspondence
since March 4, 1889, concerning the relations of this Government to
those islands. (Documents 93–244)
- List of papers. (Documents 94–244)
- List of papers. (Documents 94–244)
- Message from the President of the United States, transmitting A report of the Secretary of State, with copies of the
instructions given to Mr. Albert S. Willis, the representative of the
United States now in the Hawaiian Islands, and also the correspondence
since March 4, 1889, concerning the relations of this Government to
those islands. (Documents 93–244)
- House Ex. Doc. No. 47, Fifty-third Congress, second session (Documents 245–389)
- President’s message relating to the Hawaiian Islands. (Documents 245–389)
- Message. (Documents 245–247)
- list of papers—Correspondence. (Documents 248–268)
- Part I.—Correspondence. (Documents 248–268)
- Part I.—Correspondence. (Documents 248–268)
- List of Affidavits. (Documents 269–283)
- Part II—Affidavits. (Documents 269–283)
- Part II—Affidavits. (Documents 269–283)
- List of statements and interviews. (Documents 284–347)
- Part III–Interviews
and Statements. (Documents 284–289)
- interviews arranged
alphabetically. (Documents 290–347)
- Part III–Interviews
and Statements. (Documents 284–289)
- List of Papers–Miscellaneous. (Documents 348–389)
- Part IV–Miscellaneous. (Documents 348–389)
- Part IV–Miscellaneous. (Documents 348–389)
- Message. (Documents 245–247)
- President’s message relating to the Hawaiian Islands. (Documents 245–389)
- Senate Ex. Doc. No. 13, Fifty-third Congress, second session (Documents 390–449)
- Message from the President of the United States on the Hawaiian
question. (Documents 390–449)
- Index of instructions. (Documents 391–449)
- Index of instructions. (Documents 391–449)
- Message from the President of the United States on the Hawaiian
question. (Documents 390–449)
- Senate Ex. Doc. No. 46, Fifty-third Congress, second session (Documents 450–455)
- Senate Ex. Doc. No. 57, Fifty-third Congress, second session (Documents 456–457)
- House Ex. Doc. No. 70, Fifty-third Congress, second session (Documents 458–473)
- House Ex. Doc. No. 76, Fifty-third Congress, second session (Documents 474–476)
- House Ex. Doc. No. 79, Fifty-third Congress, second session (Documents 477–481)
- House Ex. Doc. No. 95, Fifty-third Congress, second session (Document 482)
- House Ex. Doc. No. 112, Fifty-third Congress, second session (Documents 483–486)
- Senate Ex. Doc. No. 65, Fifty-third Congress, second session (Documents 487–488)
- Senate Ex. Doc. No. 77, Fifty-third Congress, second session (Documents 489–492)
- Senate Ex. Doc. No. 85, Fifty-third Congress, second session (Documents 493–494)
- Senate Ex. Doc. No. 92, Fifty-third Congress, second session (Documents 495–496)
- Senate Ex. Doc. No. 103, Fifty-third Congress, second session (Documents 497–498)
- Senate Ex. Doc. No. 117, Fifty-third Congress, second session (Documents 499–501)
- Senate Ex. Doc. No. 156, Fifty-third Congress, second session (Documents 502–503)
- House Ex. Doc. No. 256, Fifty-third Congress, second session (Documents 504–506)
- Senate Ex. Doc. No. 31, Fifty-third Congress, third session (Documents 507–513)
- House Ex. Doc. No. 282, Fifty-third Congress, third session (Documents 514–519)
- Senate Ex. Doc. No. 60, Fifty-third Congress, third session (Documents 520–521)
- Index.