No. 29.
Mr. Jaukea to Mr. Blount.

His Excellency J. H. Blount:

Dear Sir: Referring to our conversation of this morning in regard to the large excess of the appropriations over the ordinary receipts passed by the Legislature of 1886, I have the honor to hand you copy of the minister of finance’s report to the Legislature of 1887. In looking over the items which make up the total of $4,567,377 the following items for permanent public improvements appear:

Addition to waterworks $75,000
Road damages 275,000
Road Nuuanu Pali 75,000
Encouragement immigration 150,000
New wharves 40,000
Purchase new tug 40,000
Interisland cable 65,000
Electric light 35,000
Completion new police building 26,000
Dredging Honolulu Harbor 40,000
Waterworks, Hilo and Molokai 30,000
Total 831,000
To this total $851,000 should also be added.
National debt falling due $267,900
Interest on national debt 255,000
Subsidy Oriental Steamship Company 72,000
Making a grand total of 1,445,900

This should explain why the appropriations exceeded the ordinary revenue by such a large amount.

I am afraid that I will not be able to obtain the statement by the staff officers as requested in time for the mail. Mr. Robertson will call and explain personally.

Very respectfully,

C. P. Jaiaukea.