No. 29.
Mr. Jaukea to Mr. Blount.
His Excellency J. H. Blount:
Dear Sir: Referring to our conversation of this morning in regard to the large excess of the appropriations over the ordinary receipts passed by the Legislature of 1886, I have the honor to hand you copy of the minister of finance’s report to the Legislature of 1887. In looking over the items which make up the total of $4,567,377 the following items for permanent public improvements appear:
Addition to waterworks | $75,000 |
Road damages | 275,000 |
Road Nuuanu Pali | 75,000 |
Encouragement immigration | 150,000 |
New wharves | 40,000 |
Purchase new tug | 40,000 |
Interisland cable | 65,000 |
Electric light | 35,000 |
Completion new police building | 26,000 |
Dredging Honolulu Harbor | 40,000 |
Waterworks, Hilo and Molokai | 30,000 |
Total | 831,000 |
To this total $851,000 should also be added. | |
National debt falling due | $267,900 |
Interest on national debt | 255,000 |
Subsidy Oriental Steamship Company | 72,000 |
Making a grand total of | 1,445,900 |
This should explain why the appropriations exceeded the ordinary revenue by such a large amount.
I am afraid that I will not be able to obtain the statement by the staff officers as requested in time for the mail. Mr. Robertson will call and explain personally.
Very respectfully,