Mr. Thompson to Mr. Gresham.

No. 78.]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit copy and translation of decree No. 1597, Brazilian Government, dated November 14, placing the State of Pernambuco under martial law.

This fact was reported in my cipher telegram of the 15th instant, and is said to have been caused by the action of a deputy of the national Legislature attempting to aid the cause of the insurgents by inflammatory speeches. The deputy, together with two other members of Congress, was imprisoned.

I have, etc.,

Thos. L. Thompson.
[Inclosure in No. 78.—Translation.]

Decree declaring state of siege in Pernambuco.

[From Diario Official, November 15, 1893.]

Decree No. 1597 of the 14th of November, 1893, declares a state of siege until the 30th of the current month in the State of Pernambuco. The Vice-President of the Republic of the United States of Brazil considering that the grave internal commotions [Page 75] which called for the actual suspension of the guaranties of the constitution in the District Federal and in some of the States in the south of the Republic, being likewise manifest in Pernambuco, he has determined by the terms of article 80 of the constitution to extend to that part of the territory of the union the state of siege declared by decree No. 1577 of the 28th of October ultimo from the present date to the 30th of the current (month).

  • Floriano Peixoto.
  • Fernando Lobo.