Mr. Partridge to Mr. Gresham.
Legation of
the United States,
Caracas, July 1, 1893. (Received July 12.)
No. 55.]Caracas, July 1, 1893. (Received July 12.)
Sir: The National Constituent Assembly, which was convened May 1, completed its work and adjourned sine die on the 24th ultimo. Its principal acts were:
- First. A new constitution, which will be promulgated with appropriate ceremonies in Caracas and in each one of the states on the 5th of July, the eighty-third anniversary of the independence of Venezuela. I regret that it is not yet possible to obtain a copy for transmission to the Department.
- Second. The formal approval of all of the acts of Gen. Crespo as chief of the revolution and chief of the national executive, reported in my No. 52 of June 23.
- Third. The continuance of Gen. Crespo as provisional chief of the [Page 729] executive until the inauguration of a constitutionally elected President in February next, also reported in the same dispatch.
- Fourth. A law for the conduct of the national elections; and
- Fifth. An act of general amnesty for all political crimes and offenses committed in the Republic to December 31, 1892, a copy and translation of which are herewith inclosed. Gen. Crespo by an executive decree, dated March 14, and reported in my No. 11 of March 18,* had previously granted a pardon to all those engaged in the late civil war, with the exception of 96 of the higher officials of the Andueza Palacio government.
I have, etc.,
Frank C. Partridge.
- Not printed.↩