Mr. Gresham to Mavroyeni Bey.
Washington, September 2, 1893.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 28th ultimo, in further relation to the question of the return of naturalized Armenians to Turkey, concerning which you addressed me on the 20th of August,
Inasmuch as you state that your reference to the Monroe doctrine was not so specific with regard to the doctrine itself as general with respect to the principle of non intervention in the internal affairs of another country, upon which you deem the Monroe doctrine itself to rest; and inasmuch, also, as my note of the 24th ultimo sufficiently states the views of this Government upon the points touched by your notes, I limit myself for the present to this courteous acknowledgment of your explanations, which I shall duly bear in mind should occasion arise for discussing these general principles in connection with any specific case.
Accept, etc.,