Mr. Thompson to Mr. Gresham.

No. 45.]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith copy of a decree No. 1560, Brazilian Government, placing the revolting squadron and forts without the protection of the national flag.

I have, etc.,

Thos. L. Thompson.
[Inclosure in No. 45.]

Decree No. 1560, of October 10th, 1893, concerning vessels and forts under the control of those engaged in the revolt of the 6th of September last, or that may hereafter join said revolt.

Whereas the national flag symbolizes and expresses the juridical personality of the Union, the perpetuity and integrity of the country, and its international sovereignty;

Whereas the national sovereignty extends to those vessels only that have a legal right to hoist the flag, which is the emblem of the natural and patriotic tie that binds them to the territory of the Republic and to the constitutional organs of sovereignty;

Whereas the right to use the national flag includes juridical protection, and, in the case of vessels of war, the representation of the armed force of the nation;

Whereas the land and sea forces, which are permanent national institutions, designed to defend the country abroad and to uphold the laws at home, are under obligations to maintain our constitutional institutions;

Whereas unmindful of their constitutional functions some of the vessels belonging to our national navy took possession of certain merchant vessels, armed them for war, and have since the 6th of September last committed all sorts of hostilities against the constitutional Government, the inoffensive people of Brazil, and both public and private property;

Whereas they have thus trampled upon the constitution, and by continuing to use the national flag have appropriated a symbol and emblem which they have no right to use, and under its shadow have committed criminal acts;

Whereas it is the duty of the Executive, in the exercise of the functions with which he is invested by the constitutionally expressed will of the nation, to maintain [Page 60] unimpaired the international juridical personality of the Republic and to protect the honor of the national flag;

Now, therefore, the Vice-President of the Republic of the United States of Brazil hereby decrees as follows:

  • Article 1. For all effects of public, private, and international law the vessels and forts designated below are hereby declared to have forfeited their immunities, privileges, and prerogatives, together with the protection of the national flag.
    Those vessels of war which, on the 6th of September last, under the leadership of Rear-Admiral Custodio José de Mello, revolted in the bay of Rio do Janeiro against the constitution of the Republic and the legally-constituted authorities;
    Those merchant vessels which have been armed for war by the organizers of the revolt, and now are so armed, together with all other vessels of any kind whatever that are in their service;
    Those forts that are aiding the revolt.
  • Art. 2. All vessels and forts, whether permanent or temporary, that shall hereafter take part in the revolt, shall immediately become subject to the above provisions, without the necessity of any express declaration to that effect by the Government.
  • Art. 3. All legal provisions at variance with the foregoing are hereby repealed.

  • Floriano Peixoto.
  • Firmino Chaves,
    Minister of Marine.
  • Fernando Lobo,
    Minister of Justice and of the Interior.
  • Carlos Augusto de Carvalho,
    Minister of Foreign Relations.
  • Joao Felippe Pereira,
    Minister of Industry, Internal Communication, and Public Works.
  • Felisbello Freire,
    Minister of Finance.