Mr. Conger to Mr. Gresham.
Petropolis, May 26, 1893. (Received June 19.)
Sir: In addition to the information contained in my dispatch No. 436, of the 3d instant, I have to report the introduction in the House of Deputies on the 24th instant of formulated charges against Vice-President Peixoto, with a demand for his impeachment. These articles are signed by Deputies Seabra, from the State of Bahia; Oriques, from the Federal District, and Espirito Santo, from Pernambuco, and charge the Vice-President with numerous violations of the constitution and laws, to wit, declaring martial law without warrant, improperly interfering in state affairs, carrying on unnecessary war, squandering the public funds, compulsory recruiting for the army and navy, chartering banks of emission, ignoring legal tribunals, etc.
These charges have been referred to a committee, and since the house is pretty evenly divided between the Vice-President’s supporters and the opposition, the outcome is uncertain.
There is very strong opposition in Rio de Janeiro to the Vice-President’s policy in Rio Grande do Sul, and because a very large part of the army is now absent, engaged in the Rio Grande war, a general feeling of uncertainty and anticipation of trouble prevails here; but at present nothing definite can be predicted. Should events warrant, however, I will cable.
I have, etc.,