Mr. Thompson to Mr. Gresham.

No. 118.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith a note from the foreign commanders to Admiral da Gama on the subject of the bombardment of Rio.

I have, etc.,

Thos. L. Thompson.
[Inclosure in No. 118.—Translation.]

Naval Commandants to Rear-Admiral da Gama.

The commanding officers of the naval forces, of Italy, England, France, the United States of America, Portugal, and Austria-Hungary have the honor to inform Admiral Saldanha that in case the bombardment should become inevitable, contrary to every expectation, they will exact, while not committing themselves to any course of action, that a previous notice of at least two days will be given in order to put in safety their fellow-countrymen who inhabit the city, and all their property floating on the bay.

The commander of the Austrian naval forces,

The commander of the Portuguese naval forces,
de Castilho.

The commander of the naval forces of the United States of America,

The commander of the French naval forces,
de barbeyrac.

The commander of the English naval forces,

The rear-admiral commanding Italian naval forces,
G. B. Magnaghi.