Mr. Blaine to Mr. Carter.
Washington, November 3, 1891.
Sir: I have received with deep regret your communication of the 1st instant, informing me of the death of your father, the envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary accredited by Her Hawaiian Majesty to the Government of the United States.
Upon acquainting the President with this melancholy event, he directs me to express to you and through you to the family of the deceased his sincere sorrow for the loss of one who, as the representative of a friendly nation had long and acceptably fulfilled the duties of his high office and done so much to consolidate the friendship of the two countries, and who, in his personal relations with the officers of this Government had so deservedly won the esteem and confidence of all with whom he was brought into association.
For my part, I beg to add my own condolences and to express the feeling of personal loss that comes to me with the death of one with whom my intercourse has ever been especially intimate and whom I have been glad to call a friend.
An instruction of regret and condolence will be sent in due course to the United States minister at Honolulu for communication to his excellency the minister for foreign affairs of Her Majesty the Queen. [Page 346] Mr. Sevellon A. Brown, the chief clerk of the Department, has been detailed as the representative therefrom, to attend the funeral of the late envoy at New York.
I note your announcement of the designation of Mr. J. Mott Smith as special envoy and chargé d’affaires pro tem. of Her Hawaiian Majesty, and that he may be expected soon to reach Washington.
I am, etc.,