Mr. Carter to Mr. Blaine.

Sir: It is in the deepest sorrow that I am obliged to notify you of the death of my father, his excellency, H. A. P. Carter, Her Hawaiian Majesty’s late envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, whose good fortune it has been to enjoy peculiarly pleasant and cordial relations with you, both officially and privately.

His condition has been critical since his arrival from Europe on September 24, and he died this morning at 1:30 o’clock. Funeral services will be held here within the week and with due dispatch we shall transport his remains through San Francisco to Honolulu.

May I also bring to your notice the appointment of the ex-minister of finance by her majesty, and with the approval of my father, the Hon. J. Mott Smith as special envoy and chargé d’affaires pro tem., who will soon arrive in Washington to take charge of the legation and its archives.

It was my father’s hope that this appointment would meet your approval, and that Hawaii might continue to enjoy the particularly friendly and happy relations now existing with the United States of America.

I have, etc.,

Geo. R. Carter.