Mr. Blaine to Mr. Pacheco.
Washington, March 2, 1891.
Sir: As you will see by Mr. Mizner’s No. 187, of 18th of October last, and his No. 188, of that date, he had apparently instituted certain inquiries relative to repression exercised in July last upon our consul at San Salvador, Mr. Myers, by the authorities there.
The Department called these statements of Mr. Mizner to the attention of Mr. Kimberly by its instruction No. 10, of December 29, 1890, but I regret to say that according to Mr. Kimberly’s No. 244, of January 31, last, he can find nothing of record in the legation to render it so certain as could be desired that the inquiries were communicated to the parties mentioned.
You will please carry out the directions of instruction No. 10, above named, in whatever manner seems to your judgment the most desirable in order to possess yourself of documentary evidence of value throwing light on the case of Mr. Myers. Should it appear that answers have been received to the reported inquiries of Mr. Mizner, and should those answers be adequate to establish the facts, you will apprise the Department by mail.
I am, etc.,