Mr. Pacheco to Mr. Blaine.
Legation of
the United States in Central America,
San Salvador, March 30, 1891. (Received April 28.)
No. 16.]San Salvador, March 30, 1891. (Received April 28.)
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your No. 37, of March 2, relative to the repression exercised in July last upon our consul at San Salvador, Mr. Myers, by the authorities of said Republic.
The papers regarding the aforementioned case have recently been found at the legation in Guatemala. I momentarily expect their arrival, as also your instruction No. 10, of December 29, 1890. I shall immediately approach this Government concerning the matter, and obtain all documentary and other evidence available to throw light on the case of Mr. Myers.
I have, etc.,
R. Pacheco.