Mr. Kimberly to Mr. Blaine.
Guatemala, January 31, 1891. (Received February 20.)
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your instruction, No. 10, of December 29, 1890, and to report that I fully appreciate the gravity of the Consul Myers, of Salvador, matter; but, after a careful search for the information necessary to respond to yours on the two points named, I can find nothing of record to indicate Mr. Mizner having written, as his No. 188, of October, 18, 1891, states, to the Provisional Government of Salvador, or to the La Libertad telegraph operator alleged to have been at the time mentioned in Panama; in fact, have no means of ascertaining the information except connected with Mr. Mizners numbers to the Department, and would respectfully request the Department to begin anew this matter with necessary instructions, which shall be closely followed.
I have, etc.,
Chargé d’Affaires ad interim.